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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

49 latest GD topics for ssb interview

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49 latest GD topics for ssb interview

Click here to learn everything about Group discussion at Service selection board (SSB)

Below is the list of latest 49 Group discussion (GD) topics for SSB interview
  1. Tourism in India – statue of Unity.
  2. Medical tourism share a good part of GDP. How can it be increased?
  3. Discuss Defence Budget 2018, 2019
  4. How will US foreign policy affect India?
  5. One belt one road will lead to – the international difference, boost trade, increase China’s military presence
  6. How farmers should be supported for their yield failures – loan waiving, subsidies, initiatives like e-NAM
  7. Where technology can be most beneficial – medication, education, business
  8. India is fluctuation in human development indices. What is the main reason?
  9. Where should India focus to increase development? West Asian nation, European nation, American nations.
  10. What is the biggest challenging for India? – Naxalism, interstate disputes, stabilizing northeastern states
  11. How can Indian armed forces be improved? Using theatre commands, inducting foreign arms, increasing indigenisation.
  12. Can privatization increase the development rate of India?
  13. What was the impact of demonetization – Turing to a cashless economy, returning black money, stopping counterfeiting of money.
  14. How can jobs be produced in India? – increasing FDI, increasing skill development programs, or any other
  15. What government should do to overcome corruption in India?
  16. Which is the best way to overcome tax evasion?
  17. What is the biggest problem for the new generation of India – child marriage, child abuse, child labour?
  18. The health-related issues are increasing. What is the major cause?
  19. The ban on liquor has lead to what major change in the dry states? Increased smuggling activities, reduction in state GDP, improved lifestyle.
  20. What is the biggest hurdle in increasing digital economy? Lack of awareness, increased hackings, limited reach of technology
  21. How India’s performance in sports can be improved?
  22. How is technology impacting youth? Reduced physical activities, came out as edition, easiest way of interaction
  23. What should be done for better democracy in India? Improve election procedures, increase transparencies in politics, providing more power and freedom to the citizens.
  24. Is the reservation policy of India working as per the expectations?
  25. How can we overcome terrorism? – providing better employment facilities youth where terrorist recruitment is higher, providing good surrender policies, using fire and force.
  26. Is youth distracted from opting defence as employment?
  27. How cleanliness and hygienic condition in India? – conducting awareness drive, providing efficient affordable facilities to people, using laws
  28. What is impacting worst on the youth? Social media, politics, religious activities
  29. How India can raise the strength of women – using rules and laws, self-empowering women, or any other
  30. The environment pollution is on rising. Why?
  31. One India one election- pros and cons
  32. Should we change the present system of education in India?
  33. Mercy killing
  34. Influence of western culture in Indian youths
  35. Should we bring new process of SSB selection?
  36. Women are not fit for combat roles?
  37. Private education system- good or bad?
  38. What is the most common problem for the youth these days – employment, enjoyment or health
  39. Atrocities against animals – religiously right, against animals, a political issue
  40. Crime against women – Western culture, rural thinking, weak laws
  41. Education system needs to – focus on practical knowledge, reduce and manage syllabus, opting technology as a substitute
  42. How can corruption be checked? – by use of digital mediums, strengthen laws, adding more authorities
  43. Who will get maximum benefit of GST – common people, Traders, business giants?
  44. What plays a crucial role in Indo-china relations – economic participation, defense standoffs, political and ethnic aspects
  45. What should India prefer to maintain foreign relation – Participation in international groups like BASIC, BRICS; raising economic ties; or any other option
  46. NOTA is the emerging priority of the citizens. Is it right to continue it?
  47. Women reservation beneficial for India?
  48. Is India leading in competitive backwardness? (consider Jat, Patidar and Maratha protests)
  49. Agriculture facilities are increasing still the farmers are committing suicide. Why?
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Blogs49 latest GD topics for ssb interview
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