Are you sitting comfortably? good because we are going to tell you a secret that will make your preparation strategy better than others.
Did you know that there is a gem available in market if you are preparing for NDA, CDS and other UPSC exams. What is it & how do you get it?
This hidden underrated gem is a Book. Let us see how is it special for NDA, CDS & UPSC exams and how do you prepare from it?
What’s special about the questions in the book is that they aren’t just any random questions but those questions that have been repeated multiple times in UPSC exams.
If you are preparing for the first time then let me tell you that General Knowledge questions are repeated across all examinations e.g History questions asked this year in NDA appeared few years ago in CDS. Similarly questions asked few years ago in CDS appeared in SSC CGL. So, there are certain questions that are repeated throughout different UPSC examinations and these MCQs are those set of questions that have been repeated multiple times across different UPSC examinations.
for e.g this question. It is a simple one and has been asked in CPO SI 2003, CDS 2009, NDA 2012 and in many more UPSC examination. Many a times it has been asked again in NDA & CDS with different angle e.g which state does the line pass through? name of the place, which state it doesn’t pass through etc.

Let me give you another insight. The UPSC officials that prepare the paper set the difficulty level by rearranging questions from a database. While you can never have access to the database but there is a book that contains most of such questions.

One reference to cover all other UPSC entries
This book covers entire GK syllabus of respective subjects such as geography, history, polity, chemistry, biology, physics etc
Now, let us see how to prepare from the book
If I asked you outright that what are the history topics you’re very weak at? Will you have the list of topics ready with you?
I’m sure no and thats natural but imagine if you had the list of topics from UPSC point of view that are important and you know you’re weak at. It’ll be a road for you to follow and prepare.
Let us say you start with history. Now History syllabus can be broadly divided into these categories.
So, you Start with first category say ancient history and while solving MCQs you realise you’re not able to answer questions from a topic say “vedas”
Now, you make use of sticky notes and paste it on that page mentioning the topic “vedas”
Similarly, complete this entire ancient history section. Now you have mentioned the topics that you are weak at on sticky notes in different pages. This tells you that you have to read little more about these particular topics.
Follow the same approach for geography. Suppose you start with the section “River system” and after solving MCQs you realise you are not able to answer about Brahmaputra. But now you know what kind of questions are being asked from this topic.
Thats where you know you need to read more about those topics.
Additional benefits of the book
Apart from the everything stated above the book offers detailed explanation wherever more such questions are to be expected from the topic. Below is a page from the book showing the explanatory answers
In addition, certain “very important questions” are repeated purposely with different wording so that you get a revision of such questions.
Finally the book has proved its mettle in previous years with 10-15 direct questions coming in each attempt. This book serves as a practice of most important MCQs for UPSC entries.
You practice 50 papers in total that is equivalent to 25 years of questions.
Is the book easy to follow?
Certainly! with this approach you can easily make the best of your preparation.
Here are some review of the book over the years of usage and how it helped other aspirants.

Why do you need this book?
If you are preparing for UPSC examination, specially NDA, CDS, SSC CGL then there is no reason for you to not have this book with you. Your GK preparation stands incomplete without this UPSC MCQs book which contains most expected questions.