5 Ways To Join Indian Air Force
In this article we will discuss about the 5 ways to join the Indian Air Force as an officer. Donning the uniform is the dream of every defence aspirant. Check these entries and apply wherever eligible.
NDA Entry:
- The advertisement for NDA & NA is released twice a year in the months of May and December.
- Both Men and Women candidates unto the age of 19.5 are eligible for this entry.
- Furthermore, the written tests are conducted by UPSC only. For details visit www.upsc.gov.in
CDS Entry:
- The notification for Combined Defence Service Examination is released twice a year in the month of May and December.
- Only Men candidates upto the age of 24 are eligible for this entry.

AFCAT – Air Force Common Admission Test:
- For all entries other than NDA and CDSE and for all branches, candidates have to undergo the AFCAT.
- Also, the test is conducted twice a year in February and August.
- Advertisements inviting applications for AFCAT are generally out in June and December. Candidates are to apply as per the advertisement.
- Finally, the test is conducted online all across India by the Indian Air Force.
- Additionally, EKT exams are conducted for those preferring Flying branch.
NCC Special Entry:
- Candidates with NCC C certificate can apply for this entry.
- Notification is released along with the AFCAT
- Air Sqn NCC Senior division ‘C’ certificate holders are to apply online through NCC Special entry.
- No exam is conducted for this entry.

Meteorology Entry:
- Candidates with post graduate degree in any science stream are eligible to apply.
- Notification is released along with the AFCAT
- Candidates are shortlisted for AFSB based on the aggregate marks.
As a result, If you have successfully cleared your exams, you will receive a Call letter to report at any one of the Air Force Selection Boards located at Dehradun, Varanasi, Gandhinagar, and Mysuru. At the Air Force Selection Board (AFSB), you undergo following tests in order to ascertain your suitability and gauge your potential as an Officer in the Indian Air Force.
1.STAGE I Testing
- Officer Intelligence rating Test.
- Picture Perception and Discussion Test.
STAGE-I is a screening test. Those who qualify STAGE-I are eligible to undergo STAGE-II testing. STAGE-I disqualified candidates are routed back after the announcement of results.

2. STAGE II Testing
All STAGE-I qualified candidates undergo following tests as part of STAGE-II testing during next three to four days
- Psychological Tests are written tests that are conducted by a Psychologist.
- Group Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor activities which are a combination of mental and physical work.
- Interview involves a personal conversation with an Interviewing Officer.
- Also, Candidates who have applied for flying branch and have been recommended will also have to undergo Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) test.