Important questions for AFCAT exam 2022. Attempt this quiz to increase your scores. The passing percentage is 70%. All the best.
#1. Borlaug Award is given for which field?
#2. Who was famously known as Morning star of Renaissance India?
#3. Traveller Ibn Battuta, visited India during the reign of?
#4. Carry,Dribble,Corner can be collectively used in which one of the following games?
#5. Who is the author of the book Buddha and his Dhamma?
#6. The Battle of Wandiwash was between?
#7. Humayun Nama was written by?
#8. Who is the highest law officer of a state?
#9. Where are the Khasi and Garo mainly found?
#10. Where is the saddle peak located?
#11. Ezra Cup is associated to which sports?
#12. Harshcharita was written by?
#13. Sir Creek is a 96km tidal estuary on the border of India and?
#14. Sericulture is related to the study of?
#15. Sikkim became the state of India in which year?
What’s your Reaction?
Will you please think of the answer of question number 8. It should be Attorney journal of the state or Advocate General of the State.
Please check answers to Qno. 4 and 8