Important questions for AFCAT exam 2022. Attempt this quiz to increase your scores. The passing percentage is 70%. All the best.
#1. Borlaug Award is given for which field?
#2. Who was famously known as Morning star of Renaissance India?
#3. Traveller Ibn Battuta, visited India during the reign of?
#4. Carry,Dribble,Corner can be collectively used in which one of the following games?
#5. Who is the author of the book Buddha and his Dhamma?
#6. The Battle of Wandiwash was between?
#7. Humayun Nama was written by?
#8. Who is the highest law officer of a state?
#9. Where are the Khasi and Garo mainly found?
#10. Where is the saddle peak located?
#11. Ezra Cup is associated to which sports?
#12. Harshcharita was written by?
#13. Sir Creek is a 96km tidal estuary on the border of India and?
#14. Sericulture is related to the study of?
#15. Sikkim became the state of India in which year?
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Please check answers to Qno. 4 and 8
Will you please think of the answer of question number 8. It should be Attorney journal of the state or Advocate General of the State.