Polity Questions for CDS/NDA exam. Attempt this quiz to increase your scores. The passing percentage is 70%. All the best.
#1. A Panchayat Samiti at the block level is –
#2. Which of the following has a status different from the other three-
#3. Which one of the following offices has NOT been provided by the Indian Constitution?
#4. Which one among the following is NOT a constitutional body in India?
#5. Which one of the following is the most important element of the State?
#6. The first Amendment of the Constitution carried out in 1951 related to-
#7. Which of the following comes above the Chief Justice of India?
#8. How many times has Financial Emergency been declared in India so far?
#9. Which of the following states has the lowest number of elected members in the Rajya Sabha?
#10. Which of the following statement correctly describes a Hung parliament?
#11. Secretariat of Parliament of India is-
#12. Where was the first Parliamentary form of Government formed?
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Mam , can you tell me height for girls in NDA