English questions for CDS/NDA/AFCAT exam. Attempt this quiz to increase your scores. The passing percentage is 70%. All the best.
#1. STRICTURE. Select the synonym of this word.
#2. OBEISANCE. Select the synonym of this word.
#3. KINDLE. Select the synonym of this word.
#4. DEPLORE. Select the synonym of this word.
#5. EFFRONTERY. Select the synonym of this word.
#6. REPRIMAND. Select the synonym of this word.
#7. STALEMATE. Select the synonym of this word.
#8. STIFLE. Select the synonym of this word.
#9. IDIOSYNCRASIES. Select the synonym of this word.
#10. FORTHRIGHT. Select the synonym of this word.
#11. PUNCTILIOUS. Select the synonym of this word.
#12. DISCREET. Select the synonym of this word.
#13. REPRESS. Select the synonym of this word.
#14. VINDICTIVE. Select the synonym of this word.
#15. SANCTUM. Select the synonym of this word.
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