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Friday, February 14, 2025

How to check your CDS marks for individual paper

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How to check CDS marks for individual paper

Read this article to learn how to check your CDS marks. Every year lacs of students appear for Combined defence service exams. CDS brings an opportunity twice a year for young graduates to join the tri-services as commissioned officers. The number of vacancies through this entry is relatively higher than other one’s thus providing a better chance.

Candidate who have appeared for CDSE must be well aware of the fact that though the result is announced by UPSC just after a month, one still cannot check his marks and other details. One can only crosscheck his result through the Result sheet released by UPSC wherein 8000-10000 roll numbers are listed. But what if one needs clarity in his score and wishes to know the official cut-off?

Well, the official cut-off marks and other details are shared by UPSC once the final result/Merit list of the particular course is out and the candidates have joined their respective academies.

how to check cds marks

Here is the step by step procedure to check your CDS Marks.

1. Visit the official website of UPSC

2. Click on “Examination” Tab. As soon as you do that a drop down will appear.

3. Now click on Marks Information.

4. Check the reference of your exam and click on “Click here” button at extreme right.

check CDSE exam marks

5. You can either use your registration number or roll number to check your marks.

cds marksheet

6. Fill in the details and click on the submit button. Once you click on submit button the marks will appear on the screen.

how to check cds marks

Final result here refers to the final score after adding the marks of SSB interview. Don’t forget to share your score below.

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