Indian Army has published the merit list of JAG 26 entry of men and women for the course commence on Apr 2021 at Officers Training Academy, Chennai. Candidates who have not submitted copies of all semester mark sheets and Degree/ Provisional degree certificate and other required documents are required to submit the same immediately by fax or send scanned copy on Feedback option on the website
Joining Letters (JLs) will be issued as per MERIT subject to Vacancy, Medical fitness, requisite Educational qualification and meeting all eligibility criteria. A total of 42 candidates made it to the merit list whereas the total number of vacancies were 8. In the 8 vacancies, 5 were for the male candidates and 3 were for the women candidates.
List of Men Candidates recommended for 26th JAG :

List of Women Candidates recommended for 26th JAG :

JAG 26 Merit List (Men) : Download PDF
JAG 26 Merit List (Women) : Download PDF