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Latest Lecturette Topics at SSB Boards

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Latest Lecturette Topics at SSB Boards

Lecturette is one of the Important test of GTO in SSB. One must have a look on Latest Lecturette Topics before attending SSB Interview. The Candidate is made to choose one topic from four/five given. Candidate is given 3 minutes to prepare and allotted to speak on the topic for next 3 minutes. The Important and Lastest Topics in SSB Lecturette are given below:

Prayagraj (Allahabad SSB Board)
  • E-commerce
  • Gay Rights
  • Nano Technology
  • National Highway Authority of India
  • Mobile Phones
  • Energy Crisis
  • Multinational Companies (MNC)
  • Centre – State Relations
  • National Security Guard (NSG)
  • Generation Gap
  • Indian Reservation Policy
  • Sanjay Dutt
  • IT Industry
  • Your Favorite Day
  • Role of Discipline in Life
  • Peaceful use of Nuclear Energy
  • Globalization
  • India’s Agricultural Problem
  • Role of Youth in Society
  • Entry of Foreign Universities in India
  • Naxalism
  • Child Labour
  • National Integration
  • India’s Architecture
  • Ragging
  • Students Union
  • Alternate Source of Energy
  • National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC)
  • Medha Petkar
Bangalore SSB Board
  • Global Warming
  • Favorite Pass Time
  • Peace measures in J&K
  • Privatization of Universities
  • Same Sex Marriage
  • Valentine Day
  • Pulse Polio
  • Rajvardhan Rathore
  • National Anthem
  • G 20
  • Volcano
  • Sachin Tendulkar
  • Secularism
  • Prison Reforms
  • Wildlife Safari
  • How to Pursue Happiness
  • Population aging
  • Ecological System (12 SSB, Navy)
  • India as Global Research and Development Destination (12 SSB, Navy)
  • Nano Technology (12 SSB, Navy)Media and its effects (12 SSB, Navy)

Bhopal SSB Board
  • Right to Information Act and its fall out
  • Inflation
  • Water Bodies
  • India’s Foreign Trade
  • Indo-Pak Relations in Future
  • Disaster Management in India
  • Water Resources
  • Girl Child
  • Good Health
  • Aviation Industry in India
  • Infrastructure of India
  • Rainwater Harvesting
  • Favourite Cricketer
  • Ambition in Life
  • Adult Education
  • Indo-US Relations
  • Cable TV
  • Net Education
  • Internet
  • Terrorism in North Eastern India
  • Stray Cattle Menace
  • Green House Effect
  • Co-Ed-Education
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Indian Nuclear Policy
  • Joint Family v/s Nuclear Family
  • Wildlife Protection
  • Global Warming
  • Water Crisis
  • BPO in India
  • Naxalism
  • Professional Education in India
  • Higher Education in India (33 SSB, Navy)
  • Social Effects in Pornography (33 SSB, Navy)
Kapurthala SSB Board
  • Evolution in Telecommunication
  • Sign Language
  • Privatization of Universities

Varanasi AFSB Board
  • If there were no super power in this world
  • Use of technology in Agriculture
  • United we stand, Divided we fall
  • Can India become self sufficient in energy resources
  • Cyber Crime
  • Sports in India
  • Role of Opposition in Indian Politics
  • Role of NGO
  • E-Market
  • My Hobby
  • Role of Media

Dehradun AFSB Board
  • Global Warming
  • Human Cloning
  • India as Superpower
  • Discoveries that Changed the World
  • Press in India
  • Women in combat role
  • Mangalyaan/Chandrayaan
  • India’s Foreign Policy
  • Election Commission
Mysore AFSB Board
  • Beauty Pageants
  • Doping in Sports
  • Division of States in India
  • Missile Technology
  • Skill India
  • Superstition
  • Coalition politics
  • Advertisement
Coimbatore NSB Board
  • BPO v/s KPO
  • Why youth hesitate to Join Defence Forces
  • Indian maritime history
  • Social media
  • Costal security
  • Tourism
  • Indian Premier League (IPL)
  • Triple Talaq
Tips for Lecturette :
  1. Don’t be hesitant to talk.
  2. Talk with Confidence and maintain eye Contact with fellow Candidates.
  3. Speak relevant points and facts.
  4. Don’t try to push the Topic.

Also Read :    Technical Questions Asked In SSB Interview [Must Know]




Start your SSB preparations with these specially curated ebooks.

Stage 1 SSB – SSB Oir ebook

SSB Psychology Test – Click Here

SSB Group Tasks  – Click Here

Thematic Apperception Test – Click Here

Situation Reaction Test – Click Here

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