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LCA Tejas vs JF-17 Thunder – All You Need To Know

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LCA Tejas vs JF-17 Thunder – All You Need To Know

As India decided to send its home grown bird LCA Tejas in the recently held Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2019 Pakistani withdrawn its JF-17 Thunder. The absence of the Pakistani Aircraft had surprised the LIMA watchers. LCA Tejas and JF-17 are considered as most highlighted rivals representing their respective countries.

In this blog, we will compare and contrast the capabilities of both the aircraft. Lets see which aircraft has an upper edge.

  1. Manufacturing
  • Tejas is designed by Aeronautical Development Agency ( ADA ) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited ( HAL ) whereas JF-17 is jointly developed by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation of China.
  • HAL Tejas is single engine, delta wing, multi-role light aircraft while JF-17 is also single engine but has conventional wings and is similar to F-16 Falcon.
  • LCA is powered by GE F404 afterburning turbofan engine producing 19000 lb thrust, JF-17 is powered by Klimov RD-93 afterburning turbofan engine producing 19000 lb thrust.
       2. Speed and Range
  • Tejas has a speed of Mach 1.8 while JF-17 has a speed of Mach 1.6
  • LCA has a ferry range of 1750 km with drop tanks whereas JF-17 has a ferry range of 2164 miles with drop tanks.
      3.  Radars and Avionics
  • The first 20 productions of Tejas Mk.1 is equipped with Hybrid version of Israel’s Elta EL/M-2032 multimode fire control radar. Soon it will be equipped with an improved version of EL/M-2052 AESA radar.
  • Jf-17 is equipped with KLJ-7 V2 Airborne Pulse Doppler radar.
4. Armaments 
  • Tejas – It has 8 hardpoints with provisions to carry: Rockets – S-8 rocket pods, AAM– Derby, Python-5, R-73, ASM- Kh-59, DRDO anti-radiation missile ( expected )

Anti-ship missiles-  KH-31, KH-35 . It also carries Laser-guided bombs,                Glide bombs and Cluster bombs along with a GR4 targeting pod.

  • JF-17- It has 7 hard points in total: AAM- PL-5E short-range missile and SD-10A BVR missile, ASM- CM-102 and CM-400 anti-ship missile. It can also carry Unguided and guided bombs.

Malaysia has shown interest in LCA Tejas. It is a state of the art aircraft and HAL is trying to replace the Israeli radar with a homegrown radar named as UTTAM.

Considering JF-17 it is developed by both Pakistan and China. China does not use this aircraft for its own airforce. This aircraft is a budget fighter for the countries who cannot afford costlier jets.

Although it has an upper edge in terms of range and ceiling. But its avionics are considered as of 3rd generation which gives Tejas a cut above.

At the end of the day, it is the man behind the machine which matters the most that are why Folland Gnats are called as Sabre Slayers and how a MiG-21 shot down F-16 is enough to tell us the story.

So this was it. I hope you enjoyed this article

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