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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tips For Immaculate Dressing at the SSB Interview

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Tips for Immaculate Dressing at the SSB Interview

How's the Josh Warriors?

Hello Folks, I hope you are applying every inch of hard work and effort to earn the prestigious uniform of the Indian Armed Forces. Today, I am here to profile the effective tips for immaculate dressing at the SSB Interview.


Do the right thing to conquer self. It is a life long process. Start Today. 

If you have been invited for an SSB Interview, then you are already doing something right. To really impress your Interviewing Officer (IO), you need to do your homework right, present the best version of yours and most importantly, start strong. The way you dress upshake hands and exchange greetings play quite an influential role in forming an opinion about your personality. To maintain that impressive influence on the IO throughout, you need to nail every step of the SSB Interview.


Shirt. Choose a shirt that is light in colour, preferably white, because it is suitable for all occasions. Wear full sleeve shirts and don't fold the sleeves of your shirt at the interview panel of Selection Board.

Trousers. Choose dark coloured trousers or pants which are not of loose or tight fitting and make you walk faster and free. Avoid stuffing your trouser pockets with things that give bulgy look.

Tie. Avoid flashy and lustrous ties, prefer ties made of silk material, as they are easy to fold and make a perfect knot. Remember to team up your tie appropriately with the colour of your trouser or pant.

Shoes. Stick to black or brown formal shoes for Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT), Psychological Tests, Personal Interview, and white PT shoes for the GTO Tests. Always polish your shoes before going for your tests. Choose shoes (Black/Brown) with lace because they give perfect look and grip while you walk, filling you with more confidence.

Perfume. Avoid loud and overpowering perfumes because they really hinder the atmosphere of an interview, disperse irritating smell and distract assessors and your fellow mates. The purpose of the perfume should be to conceal your body odour so, choose perfumes of pleasant, gentle and fresh fragrance.

Hair Style. Neatly combed and well trimmed professional hair always give an impressive and influential effect on your personality. Get a haircut prior to your SSB Interview because flying hair during your tests would cause you discomfort. Lady candidates must tie their hair in a bun or if you have a short hair, a neat ponytail or braid will work.

Nails. Properly trimmed and manicured nails form a good impression because your hands are always placed in your lap so they are easily noticeable for most of the time. Also, it reflects your personal hygiene organisation and management.

Spectacles & Handkerchief. Cleanse your glasses well before the tests so they don't give you hazy and blurred vision and cause discomfort. Always carry a clean handkerchief with you preferably of pure white colour.

Ornaments. Wear limited jewellery. Lady candidates should keep their jewellery and hair accessories to a minimum, and stick to those that are not flashy or distracting. Stay simple and don't wear bracelets and designer rings.


I hope the article was helpful for all the defence aspirants, if you have any doubt at all or you want to suggest anything then please leave a comment to help you in the least possible time!!

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⚔ Jai Hind ⚔

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