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Thursday, February 6, 2025

5 Things you are doing wrong with CDS Preparation

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

CDS Preparation goes for about 3-4 months in general while few also take upto 6 months or more based on the daily number of hours they put in.

Those who have appeared for CDS or have been through previous year papers will know that paper 2 “General Knowledge” is the only paper that makes it difficult clearing the exam

Why is that so? Why is clearing CDS GK so difficult? Why are English and Mathematics not as difficult?

The only reason is that English and Mathematics have a limited syllabus clearly stated by UPSC. On the other hand General Knowledge as the name suggest is general and is not limited and can include anything from history, geography, Polity, economics, science, defence, current affairs.

Here are the 5 things you are doing wrong with your CDS Preparation

1.) You are not going in chronology

If you are going through the history events that are not in chronology, then chances are you will be confusing the events and topics. Also, you should first begin with history and only then move to polity and not otherwise.

The order of subjects should be Geography, History, Polity, Defence, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology followed by Current Affairs.

2.) You are not tabulating information

A topic can have endless information but you must know note down the most important details for revision. This is why tabulated notes will help you a lot to remember important points. e.g taking the topic of Indus Valley Civilisation

CDS OTA history

3.) You must be knowing the timeline

Visual charts are necessary. History becomes most confusing and difficult to remember if you don’t understand the timeline of events. Which is why you must have clear understanding of series of events.


4.) You are not following maps

Almost 80% do not follow maps. Maps are rarely asked directly in UPSC however maps help understanding Topics. It makes easier to remember facts as images tend to be in our mind longer than the text. You must go through geography maps for almost all the topics. Similarly, you must go through History Maps as well.

It is recommend that you practice these maps drawing on your own to understand geography and history topics better.

CDS geography maps

5.) You are missing images & diagrams

When we talk about Physics, Chemistry and Biology we know that UPSC asks more of practical questions than general science questions. Which is why diagrams are necessary for science subjects.

Were you including all the above in your CDS Preparation? If you take care of these then you will find yourselves much more confident in CDS Written test.

If you are finding it difficult to gather such notes then I will recommend you one source that covers all the above for you. You can refer the new CDS OTA Guide by DDE. Available on amazon and Flipkart.


CDS OTA was released by DDE in the year 2017. Since then the book has helped numerous aspirants in clearing CDS one way or another. Every year candidates have seen at least 20-25 questions directly from this book in General Science section.

The latest edition comprehensively addresses all previously overlooked areas over the years, ensuring it equips candidates with the complete skill set necessary for the test preparation. 

This new edition of CDS OTA guide is a must have for candidates preparing for OTA along with 5000+ Most Expected MCQs

Those with the preference of IMA, AFA & INA can refer to Mission CDS Book that covers Mathematics along with General English & General Knowledge.

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Blogs5 Things you are doing wrong with CDS Preparation


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