How to practice and what to practice for SSB Interview? This is the first question that comes to mind when we talk about attending the SSB Interview. To give an quick overview, Service selection board interview comprises of two stages and each stage has series of tests.
Stage I
- Officer Intelligence Rating Test
- Picture Perception & description Test
Stage II
- Thematic Apperception Test
- Word Association Test
- Situation Reaction Test
- Self Description Test
- Personal Interview
- Group Discussion
- Group Planning Exercise
- Progressive Group Tasks
- Half Group Tasks
- Individual Obstacles
- Command Tasks
- Group Obstacle Race
- Lecturette
- Final Group Task
- Conference Questions
The above list sums up the test conducted at Service Selection Boards. All these tests are about practicing in interview like conditions. Further, except OIR test of stage 1, all the other tests do not have a right or wrong answers.
Outdoor test like PGT, HGT, CT, FGT are about mobility and techniques while outdoor test like GOR, IO are mainly about strength and stamina. All other tests are about your views.
So, taking an example of SRT (Situation Reaction Test) where they give you a situation, and you need to write your action within the given limited time. Now, every one will have a different approach to a situation. There is no right or wrong approach but yes one approach can be better than the other. When you practice these tests, your first answer or response becomes the primary approach. Now when you finish the test and recheck your response you may find an even better secondary approach. Further, if you discuss your primary approach with someone say your father, mother, brother or friend. Everyone may have a different approach or may have something to point out regarding your approach.

You are trying to live the situation like this, and if you are satisfied with the new approach, your subconscious mind will remember it. This is how your secondary response becomes your primary response. In simple words you now have a better perspective. Similarly you need to practice TAT, WAT, SD
In GTO test like Group discussion and lecturette, it is about gaining more awareness into all kinds of topics asked. You need to practice by writing and gaining more knowledge about these topics in the process. However, most of the time, candidates are unaware of the types of GD & lecturette topics asked in these tests.
When preparing for Personal Interviews and conferences, individuals should practice extensively by writing their responses and rechecking them for a better approach, as there is a large set of questions asked
By now you must have understood that knowing about the interview process of selection board is merely overview of system. That is the maximum benefit you can achieve by taking guidance of an officer or senior who has cleared the interview. Apart from this if you rely on coaching then you’ll never really be able to make any changes to your original approach. Selection boards assessors easily identify coached responses, as many candidates like you have already been coached to approach in the same manner.
So, what should you do?
Keep it original!

Eventually, it all boils down to you practicing and assessing yourself. Practicing more and more will make you better from within. When you practice more and more you will have a written record of all your responses. When you check those again, it helps you asses a better approach and eventually improving your responses. Additionally, you become better with words, grammar and handwriting. Your writing speed also improves through practicing.
As of today it is very difficult to find practice sets of all tests, that too original SSB sets. You may search and gather these through different sources but there’s still an uncertainty of original SSB questions.
The only problem lies in finding these tests with the questions that have been asked across all the selection centers.
SSB Interview Workbook
You must refer to SSB Interview Workbook by DDE.
This comprehensive guide is your one-stop resource for excelling in both Stage 1 and Stage 2 assessments.
Packed with Original practice sets covering OIR, PPDT, psychology tests like TAT, WAT, SRT, SD. Set of original GD, Lecturette topics, and detailed instructions for GTO tasks, it ensures you’re fully equipped for every challenge.

The SSB Interview workbook covers every aspect from Personal Interview questions to Conference simulations and PIQ forms. Featuring original questions from selection centers, this SSB Interview workbook provides an authentic experience of SSB tests.
You can order your copy on Amazon and Flipkart today.
Whether you’re a beginner or aiming to refine your preparation, “SSB Interview Workbook” is your key to mastering the SSB interview and securing success!