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Agniveer Notification 2022 Indian Army [Agnipath Scheme]

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Agniveer Notification 2022

Agniveer Notification 2022 under Agnipath scheme has been released by the Indian Army. Online applications are invited from eligible male candidates to become an Agniveer in the Indian Army.

Age Limit:

Candidates between 17.5 to 23 years as on 1st October 2022 can apply. The upper age limit has been relaxed from 21 years to 23 years as a onetime measure for the Recruiting Year 2022-23.


(i) Candidates will be enrolled under Army Act 1950 for a service duration of four (04) years including the training period.

(ii) Agniveers so enrolled will be subject to Army Act, 1950 and will be liable to go wherever ordered, by land, sea or air.

(iii) Agniveers enrolled under the scheme, will not be eligible for any kind of Pension or Gratuity.

Agniveers notification 2022


(i) Service of Agniveers will commence from the date of enrolment.

(ii) Agniveers would form a distinct rank in the IA, different from any other

existing ranks.

(iii) Leave, Uniform, Pay & Allowances during the service period of four years will be governed by orders and instructions in respect of such individuals issued by the Government of India (GoI) from time to time.

(iv) Agniveeers will be liable to be assigned any duty in organisational interest, as decided from time to time.

(v) Personnel enrolled through Agniveers Scheme, will be required to undergo periodical medical check-ups and physical/ written/ field tests as governed by orders issued. The performance so demonstrated would be considered for subsequent offer for enrolment in the Regular Cadre.

(vi) Agniveers can be posted to any regiment/unit and can be further transferred in organisational interest.


(i) All Agniveers will be discharged on completion of four years of service.

(ii) On discharge after completion of four years, Agniveers will be paid a ‘Seva Nidhi’ package to enable them to return to the society for pursuing employment in other sectors.

(iii) Agniveers will not be eligible for any kind of pension or gratuity, neither

will they be eligible for Ex Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), Canteen Stores Department (CSD) facilities, Ex Serviceman status and other related benefits.

(iv) Agniveers will be barred from disclosing classified information gained during service to any unauthorised person or source under Official Secrets Act, 1923.

Agniveer rally 2022 Indian army

Enrolment for Regular Cadre:

(i) Based on organizational requirements and policies promulgated Agniveers who are completing their engagement period in each batch will be offered an opportunity to apply for enrolment in the regular cadre of IA. These applications will be considered in a centralised manner by the army based on an objective criteria including performance during their engagement period and not more than 25% of each specific batch of Agniveers will be enrolled in regular cadre of the IA, post completion of their four years engagement period.

(ii) Agniveers so enrolled as regular cadre would be required to serve for a further engagement period of 15 years and will be governed by terms and conditions of service (of Junior Commissioned Officers/Other Ranks in IA) currently in vogue (as amended from time to time). Agniveers will not have any right to be selected. Selection will be exclusive jurisdiction of the IA.

(iii) With introduction of this Scheme, the enrolment of Soldiers in the regular cadre of IA, except technical cadres of Medical Branch, will be available only to those personnel who have completed their engagement period as Agniveer.


(a) Agniveers will be liable to be assigned any duty in organisational interest, as decided from time to time.

(b) Agniveers can be posted to any regiment/ unit and can be further transferred to other regiments/ units in organisational interest.

Indian Army Agniveer notification

Agniveer Package:

(i) The pay & emoluments of Agniveers will be as given below :-

(a) Year 1. Customised Package – ₹ 30,000/- (plus applicable allowances.)

(b) Year 2. Customised Package – ₹33,000/- (plus applicable allowances.)

(c) Year 3. Customised Package – ₹ 36,500/- (plus applicable allowances.)

(d) Year 4. Customised Package – ₹ 40,000/- (plus applicable allowances.)

(ii) From the above package, 30% will be compulsorily deposited every month in a corpus which will be matched by the GOI. Balance amount less the corpus contribution will be the in-hand component.

How To Apply:

(a) All candidates to log in to joinindianarmy.nic.in, check their eligibility status and create their profile.

(b) Online Registration (submission of application) will commence from _________ and close on ___________.

(c) Candidates will login after ____________ and take printout of the admit card which they will carry to Rally Site.

(d) Candidates will be allowed to participate in the Rally if they produce Admit Card. Affidavit for details duly attested by notary and as per format given at Appx.

Agniveer Recruitment Rally Notification 2022 : Download PDF

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