Attempt the Important Indian Polity Quiz for Defence Exams, the passing percentage is 55%.
#1. Which Article of Indian Constitution deals with the Fundamental Duties?
#2. How many schedules are present in the Indian Constitution?
#3. What is the minimum age to be a Rajya Sabha Member?
#4. Which one among the following Ministerial Categories doesn’t come under Council of Ministers?
#5. Which one among the following is not a form of Bill?
#6. Under which Article, the Forms of Writs such as Habeas Corpus, Mandamus… etc. are mentioned?
#7. Which one among the following words is not mentioned in “The Preamble of India”?
#8. During the drafting of Indian Constitution, the Concept of Directive Principles of Sate Policy is derived from which country?
#9. In Which year, the National Human Rights Commission was established?
#10. Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission of India?
#11. Who was the chairman of Drafting committee of Indian Constitution?
#12. Which Article of Indian Constitution deals with the declaration of National Emergency?
#13. Who is known as the Real Executive of a State?
#14. During the drafting of Indian Constitution, the Fundamental Duties and Fiver Year Plan was borrowed from which country?
#15. Which Article of Indian Constitution designates President of India as Supreme Commander of Armed Forces?
#16. Which Part of Indian Constitution is described as the “Magna Carta of India”?
#17. Under which provision, an Indian Citizen cannot lose his/her Citizenship according to Citizenship Act, 1955?
#18. Fundamental Duties comes under which part of Indian Constitution?
#19. In Which year, the Punchhi Commission was set-up to re-examine the Centre-State relations?
#20. Which Article of Indian Constitution deals which the Qualification of a person to be the President of India?
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The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
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