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Sunday, March 23, 2025

CDS Maths Blueprint, Strategy, Short cut Tricks

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

CDS Maths is comparatively easier than NDA Maths, this is common notion among defence aspirant. However, only when one appears for CDS Exam, he realises it’s not that simple as its preached.

Most certainly, One thing about CDS Maths is that it is a “Lengthy Paper”. CDS Maths consists of 100 Questions. Each question carries one mark making it a 100 Marks paper. Individual cut off for this paper is 25% i.e minimum 25 marks are required to clear this paper.

Time duration for this paper is 2 hours i.e 1 min 20 seconds for each question to read, solve, mark the answer in OMR sheet

In this paragraph we will see the blueprint of UPSC CDS Maths Paper

Chapter-wise weightage CDS Maths

Number System6Tricky
LCM & HCF3Easy
Power, roots, decimal3Tricky
Work & Time4Easy
Time & distance4Easy
Ratio proportions4Easy
Profit & loss3Tricky
Simple & Compound interest3Tricky
Quadratic equations3Easy
Linear equation5Tricky
Height & distance 4Easy
Statistics 7Easy

As much as 40% of the paper is covered by conceptual chapters such as Trigonometry, Geometry, Mensuration. Hence, these can’t be neglected.

cds maths syllabus chart
cds mathematics blueprint

As of the other 60% of the syllabus is concerned, It can easily be dealt with Tricks. Reading and marking the answer takes 30 seconds and hence you only get 50 seconds to solve a question. That 50 seconds can be made effective only when you are aware of certain tricks.

Tricks in CDS Mathematics

In this paragraph we’ll compare the time saved with the trick as compared to traditional methods taught in schools.

Let us take a simple example from LCM & HCF

Now, what if there’s a bigger number? It’ll take forever to find the answer. This is where tricks come into picture

maths shortcut tricks

Similarly, there are many tricks for different variation of questions from LCM & HCF chapter. If you are aware of these tricks, it’ll make it much easier for you to deal with this paper.

For instance, let us take another example of Work & Time

cds maths short cut tricks

But what if there are two different people with completely different capability?You need to know this trick!

cds maths short cut method

There are many different types of questions in this chapter and many different but simple tricks that you should know.

For instance, Let us take another example of “Time & Distance”. Question given below will surely take more than 2 minutes to solve if you used the traditional method of solving.

cds maths tricks

Even if your concept & fundamental are clear you still are consuming way more time than available per question if you are not using short cut methods.

40% of the syllabus that is considered easy is filled with tricks to solve questions in a jiffy. Even those who are weak in mathematics can solve these chapters with ease.

cds maths weightage

But where to find such tricks that too for tricky chapters?

You don’t have to worry as there is a book that includes short cut method for for every chapter of CDS Maths.

Best Book for CDS Maths

Not only that, speciality of this book is that it divides questions of every chapter into types and sub types. Further, every trick is followed by practice examples so that you are thorough with the short cut methods.

Every chapter has Practice exercise and handpicked question bank. At the end it includes latest previous year question papers for you to practice and track your preparation.

CDS Maths Fastrack with shortcut tricks has 2500+ questions. Every question in this book is carefully picked. You can be assured to witness 60% questions either with exact same figures or similar concept in CDS written exam.

Those who have given preference for IMA, AFA, INA know that cut off for these 3 sails much higher than that of OTA. Hence, you need to score well in mathematics to get a respectable total.

Since SSB interview score is similar for every candidate, Higher marks in CDS written exam will ensure that you are not merit out at final stage.

Decade Earlier there were not many books available publicly and aspirants had to settle for what was available. Aspirants today are fortunate to have such a gem of study material that can actually make a difference.

Make the most of your CDS preparation with this book

Best Wishes 🇮🇳

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