Attempt the AFCAT Static GK Test Quiz Online, passing percentage is 70%.
#1. Which city of India is popularly known as “Sandalwood City” ?
#2. Which is the highest waterfall in India?
#3. Pick the odd one out:
#4. Which one of the following states is smaller in terms of area?
#5. Which one of the following states is largest state in terms of population?
#6. Which team has won 2014 Indian Premier League (IPL) ?
#7. Which of the following newspaper was started by Annie Besant?
#8. Which one of the following leaders was not a part of Non-cooperation movement ?
#9. Which is the oldest River Dam in India?
#10. “Bihu” is the folk dance of which of the following states?
#11. Which city is known as “Wine Capital of India” ?
#12. “Sipat Thermal Power Plant” is located in which state?
#13. “Cheraw Dance” is a folk dance of which state?
#14. Talcher Super Thermal Power Station is located in which state?
#15. India’s First steel factory was established in
#16. Which one of the following rivers is longest in terms of length?
#17. Which team played against India in 1983 Cricket World Cup final?
#18. Which one of the following dynasties was ruling at the time of Alexander’s invasion?
#19. The Kailasha temple is located in the caves of
#20. Bhakra Nangal Dam is built across which river?
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
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*(19th question)*
Nanda dynasty’s last ruler Dhananada was ruling at the time of Alexander’s invasion later on he was over thrown by Chandragupta Maurya and Chanakya together establishing the Mauryan Empire!
Nashik is called the wine capital of India, one can also derive this by the fact that nashik is one of the extensive producers of grapes which is used in the manufacturing of wine.