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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

FRCV – Future Ready Combat Vehicle Under Make In India

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FRCV – Future Ready Combat Vehicle Under Make In India

Hyundai Rotem a South Korean company is ready to produce FRCV for Mechanized Forces under Make in India. It is an armoured platform primarily to be used with MBTs or Main Battle Tanks. It is a 5 billion dollar project and will carry forward to produce more than 2000 units if approved.

Facts About Proposed FRCV
  • It will weigh around 45 to 50 tonnes.
  • FRCV will have a platform which can operate in various terrains including desert and high altitude terrains or the area across with a wide spectrum of conflict.
  • It would also have the capability to be used with other specialized fighting vehicles.
  • It will have multiple variants like tracked MBT, light tank, wheeled version. trawl tank, mine ploughs etc.

Indian Army wants an FRCV which should be similar to the Russian T-14 Armata, Ukrainian Oplot, French LeClerc and South Korean K2 Black Panther MBTs.

Many Indian Private firms like Mahindra, Tata Motors, Bharat Forge, Reliance Defense and Engineering, Titagarh Wagons, Tata Power SED and Tractors India also showed their keen interest in this programme.

Indian Army is keen on replacing its old fleet of T-72 tanks which are 2414 in numbers with the FRCV which is expected to come in 2025-27.

The South Korean Company Hyundai Rotem attended its first meeting in New Delhi last August. The Company is now waiting to have the second round of meeting with the Directorate General Mechanized Forces, which is expected to take place next month in New Delhi.

So this was it.

Stay tuned to DDE for more

Jai Hind

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BlogsFRCV - Future Ready Combat Vehicle Under Make In India
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