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Women Military Police Recruitment Notification (Indian Army)

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Women Military Police Recruitment Notification (Indian Army)

Applications are invited from eligible female candidates for recruitment of 100 Soldier General Duty (Women Military Police) in Indian Army. Online registration is mandatory and will be open from 25 Apr 2019 to 08 Jun 2019. Admit Cards for the rally will be sent through registered e-mail. Candidates should reach the venue on given date and time as mentioned in the Admit Card. Recruitment rallies are planned to be conducted at Ambala, Lucknow, Jabalpur, Bangalore and Shillong. Candidates will be allotted venue based on their home districts. Final location and date of the recruitment rally will be given on the admit card. Venues listed above may undergo a change.

Candidates will be screened as per Qualitative Requirements mentioned below:

# Upper Age limit will be relaxable upto 30 yrs of age (as on date of joining training) in
respect of widows of Defence personnel who have died in harness.

Candidates will be tested as stated below :

Medical Standards:

(a) Fitness: To be deemed Fit, a candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of military duty in all weather and across all terrains. The selected candidates will have to appear for medical examination during the recruitment rally as per laid down medical standards. Unfit candidates will be referred to MH / CH / BH for specialist review. Candidates referred for specialist review should present themselves to the nominated MH / CH / BH within 14 days of the referral and report back to ARO for issue of Admit Card for CEE, in case declared FIT.

(b) Gender: Any candidate if found to have predominantly masculine characteristics evidenced on external physical examination, will be rejected as UNFIT. Any candidate having undergone gender reassignment surgery will be declared UNFIT .

(c) Pregnancy: Any female candidate, if found to be pregnant shall be disqualified and her candidature rejected. A candidate should not have conceived at the time of reporting or till conclusion of training at CMP Centre and School. A Medical Certificate from a Government Medical Doctor (with minimum MBBS qualifications) stating the no pregnant status of a candidate will be produced on reporting for the recruitment rally, and a fresh certificate again, when reporting to the Training Centre, failing which the individual will be rejected summarily.

(d) At the time of the recruiting medical examination, all candidates will invariably be required to render a certificate that they do not suffer primary/secondary amenorrhoea, or menorrhagia (this will be explained in a language, and in terms that they understand). Candidates with the above mentioned conditions will be declared medically UNFIT.

(e) If 180 days or more lapse between screening medical test at the rally and till despatch, medical will be done again and unfit candidates in this review will not be recruited.

(f) Candidates are advised in their own interest to undergo medical exam before coming for selection especially with respect to flat foot, poor vision, deformities and physical measurements. All are advised to ensure that their ears are free of wax by getting it cleaned by a doctor prior to the rally.

Written Test through Common Entrance Examination (CEE): 

(a) Will be conducted for medically fit candidates at nominated venue. Location, Date and time of written test will be intimated at rally site and through Admit Cards.

(b) Admit card for the CEE for the Review Fit cases will be issued after declaring medically fit by concerned specialists at Military Hospital/Base Hospital/ Command Hospitals.

(c) Negative marking would be applicable in CEE.

(d) Result of written examination will be declared on the official website joinindianarmy.nic.in. No separate letter will be sent to the candidate. It is the responsibility of the candidate to check his result and report to ARO for documentation.



Candidates are required to bring following documents / certificates in original with two attested photocopies with them to the rally site:-

(a) Admit Card. Printed with Laser Printer on good quality paper (Do not shrink the size).

(b) Photograph. Twenty copies of unattested Passport size colour photographs developed on good quality photographic paper in white background not more than three months old. Computer printouts / photoshopped photographs will NOT be accepted.

(c) Education Certificates. (i) Education Certificates with marks sheet in original of all educational qualifications achieved by candidate i.e. Matric / Intermediate / Graduation etc from recognised School / College / Board / University.

(ii) Provisional / online education certificate should be certified ink signed by the head of the educational institution of concerned Board / University.

(iii) Candidates with matric certificate from Open School should bring School Leaving Certificate countersigned by BEO / DEO.

(d) Nativity/Domicile Certificate. Nativity Certificate with photograph issued by Tehsildar/District Magistrate.

(e) Class/ Caste Certificate. Class/ Caste Certificate affixed with photograph of the candidate issued by the Tehsildar/District Magistrate.

(f) Religion Certificate. Religion Certificate issued by the Tehsildar/SDM. (if religion as “SIKH/HINDU/MUSLIM/ CHRISTIAN” is not mentioned in caste certificate).

(g) School Character Certificate. School Character Certificate issued by the School/College Principal/ Headmaster, where the candidate last studied.

(h) Character Certificate. Character Certificate with photograph issued by Village Sarpanch/Municipal Corporation within last six months.

(i) NCC Certificate. NCC A/ B/ C certificates should have photograph of the candidate duly attested by issuing authority. Provisional NCC A/ B/ C pass certificates will only be accepted if authenticated by concerned NCC Group Commanders.

(j) Relationship Certificate. DOS/ DOEX/ DOW/ DOWW Candidates are required to produce the following documents:-

(k) Relationship certificate issued from respective Record Office only duly signed by Record Officer with Personal number, Rank, Name and particular of the Record Officer issuing the Relationship Certificate with office seal/stamp endorsed.

(ii) A declaration to the effect as mentioned in the Affidavit on Ten Rupees NonJudicial Stamp paper prepared by the ESM duly signed by 1st Class/ Executive/ Judicial Magistrate is required to be submitted by the candidate at rally site. Format of affidavit att as per Appx ‘A’.

(iii) Original Discharge Book of Ex-Serviceman also to be produced. Name and date of birth of the candidate must have been recorded in it.

(l) Unmarried Certificate. Candidate must be unmarried female and a citizen of India less exceptions as given below. Unmarried Certificate for candidates with photograph issued by Village Sarpanch/Municipal Corporation within last six months.

(m) Married Candidates. (i) Women who are widowed, divorced or legally separated are also eligible provided they do not have any children.

(ii) Widows of Defence personnel who have died in harness will be eligible to apply for enrolment as Women MP. Such widows even with children will be, however, eligible only if they have not remarried.

(iii) Marriage During Training. Candidates must undertake not to marry until they complete the full training at the CMP Centre and School, Bengaluru. A candidate, who marries subsequent to the date of her application, though otherwise successful at the CEE and physical exam or medical examination, will not be selected for training. A candidate may be dismissed from service if she marries during training or is found to be already married inspite of giving an undertaking regarding the same.

(n) Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & AADHAR Card. Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & Aadhar Card are mandatory documents for final enrolment for purpose of Pay & allowances and other social benefits scheme.

Tattoo: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e From inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidates will be barred from further selection.

Pensionable Service: Pension will be entitled on completion of 15 years of service with colours. They will be entitled to all pensionary benefits as applicable vide Pension Regulations for the Army 2008.

Note: Candidates who have been dismissed from their previous service on disciplinary grounds are not eligible.

Must Read: All You Need To Know About Corps Of Military Police

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NotificationsWomen Military Police Recruitment Notification (Indian Army)
NotificationsWomen Military Police Recruitment Notification (Indian Army)
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