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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

In Conversation With Kritin Sahota,

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

In Conversation With Kritin Sahota, Recommended For Indian Army (TGC – 129) 

We had a chance to have few words with Kritin who recently got recommended from 31 SSB kapurthala in 5th attempt. He got screened out four times but his perseverance and dedication brought laurels to him and his family. We hope this conversation will help and motivate other aspirants to achieve their goals.

DDE: How does it feel to get recommended for Indian Army?

Kritin: The best feeling ever that cannot be measured. Cloud Nine moment.

DDE: What motivated you to join Indian Army?

Kritin: The motivation comes from my father and other relatives who are in the services who motivated me to join the Indian Army.

DDE: Aspirants often believe that technical entries are tough to crack. What are your thoughts on this.

Kritin: Not at all! Infact technical entries are like normal SSBs but for candidates with Btech/B.E degree. It would be helpful to brush up the basics of your stream and rest its just like any other SSB process.

DDE:  Candidates believe that the screening process is little tough in Kapurthala. What would you like to say?

Kritin: Screening process is the same as any other SSB. It becomes difficult because many candidates report at one date.I was screened out four times from Kapurthala but got recommended the fifth time I went to Kapurthala.

DDE: How was your Personal Interview? Can you share your experience?

Kritin: My personal interview was very good. Mostly, in my interview I was asked about myself, my friends, family, news, and my hobbies-interests, some basic technical questions etc.


DDE: Did you take any coaching? What are your views on coaching?

Kritin: No. I feel in this competent world taking coaching is not bad at all but I have seen candidates in my attempts giving coached answers, dominating in GTO tasks which lead them to not getting recommended. So take coaching if you want for getting a feel of SSB but when you are at the SSB be yourself and be original in your answers.

DDE: Being an engineer what made you choose Army over IT jobs?

Kritin: There are some jobs which cannot be compared with monetary benefits. Want a fat pay cheque then corporate company is the answer. Want a disciplined and an adventurous life choose the Indian Army. That’s why I chose the latter.

DDE: How was this SSB different from your earlier attempts?

Kritin: This time I was more relaxed and mentally prepared to give my SSB.Also I had a backup plan. This made me focus on giving my best at my present because my future was already secure. I gave my best at every task with high josh, not worrying at all about the result.

SSB OIR BOOK – A Complete Guide to Stage One of SSB ( Recommended By SSB President)

DDE: Since you would be joining academy soon, what is your daily routine now?

Kritin: Daily routine includes getting up early in the morning going for a run/cycling ,come back, freshen up ,have breakfast and watch some news .After that I read the newspaper to gain knowledge about the latest events happening around me and the world. Have lunch and spend time listening to music and watching motivational movies. In the evening again, I go for a small run or go cycling with my friends. Then I come back, freshen up, and spend time with my family till dinner. Go to bed satisfied.

DDE: What would be your message to other aspirants?

Kritin: My message to other aspirants would be to be mentally prepared in clearing the SSB process. Focus on your preparation because that is in your hands the result is not. Lastly have a good backup option as in military there is always plan A,B,C . Don’t lose hope! Good luck and keep the josh high.

Click Here To Read His Full SSB Experience

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