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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

All you need to know about PSB/FSB Coast Guard

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All you need to know about the PSB/FSB Coast Guard

Hello aspirants,

We are well acquainted with the procedure of SSB, but only a few know the process of PSB (preliminary selection board) which is a bit different from the SSB. I will discuss the procedure and how it is conducted in parts. By reading this article, you will have a clear image of the process and will excel in it.

  • The test is conducted in two stages; firstly the candidates are called for the phase one test at Preliminary Selection Board at Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and Noida. Select the board which is near to your place at the time of filling of the form online.
  • After generation of the call-up letter, the candidate has to report at the selected centre on time along with all the documents required i.e.
  1. We should take two copies of our online applications with pasted recent passport size photographs duly signed by us.
  2. Two set of photo copies of all our original documents.
  3. Take the original documents separately.
  • Real testing begis now, OIR (Officer intelligence test) this is the first test that you will encounter. The test is not the one that you give in the SSB of the army, navy, airforce board.
  • Each candidate will be provided with writing material (writing pad, OMR, rough sheet).
  1. Stage 1- Preliminary Selection of coast guard
  • The preliminary selection is conducted usually for two days. The first day is the written test, i.e. verbal and non-verbal, followed by PPDT – Picture Perception and Description Test on the next day depending on the number of candidates reported.
  • Next, you will be shown a powerpoint presentation consisting of seven sections. Total of 80 questions is shown on the screen each segment consist of 10 questions, and the last section is composed of 20 questions. So, in total there are 80 questions.
  • Each question will have five options, and the right answer is to be marked on the OMR sheet within the allotted time.
  • Section 1: this section contains 10 questions of number series and blood relation. The search question will be projected on the screen for 60 seconds, and an after that next question will be flashed. The candidate is required to mark the answer within 60 sec so, keep a track on your speed and accuracy.
    TIME- 10 questions- 1 minute each
  • Section 2: this section will test your knowledge of the English language and will consist of antonym and synonym(5 questions each).
    TIME- 10 Questions- 5 seconds each
  • Section 3: this section consist of spelling checking, i.e. 10 questions will be shown each with the time constraint of 8 seconds. Wrong spelt question will be projected, and the right answer is to be marked on the OMR.
    TIME- 10 questions- 8 Seconds each
  • Section 4: this section will test will memorise power by the displaying the number of words for 4 sec, and then you will have to mark the answer which suits the best of what you saw before.
    TIME- 10 question-8 seconds
  • Section 5: words will be shown, and the candidate has to form a different word from the alphabet of the word displayed.
  • TIME-10 Question- 1minute each
  • Section 6: basic questions of reasoning like the mirror image or clock wise/anti- clockwise rotation like questions will be asked in this section.
  • TIME- 10 Question- 20 seconds each
  • Section 7: this section contains the maximum question, i.e. 20 and contain basic questions.12 questions out of 20 is on counting the number of the alphabet in a given series. And the rest 8 question is on puzzle types like a picture of a lion might be shown in puzzled formed, and the candidate will have to identify the animal and mark the answer.
    TIME- 12 questions- 10 seconds each, 8 questions- 3 seconds each
  • the test result will be declared within some time and all the selected candidates will go for next test of stage 1, i.e. PPDT(Picture perception and discussion test)
  • This test is standard in both the SSB for army and coast guard. Here, a blurred image is shown to the candidates for 30 seconds and the candidate have to write a story for this in 4 minutes. In this, the candidate has to note down basic seven parameters such as Age,  Sex, Character, Mood, Past, Present and Future.  All the instructions will be given well in advance, pay attention to the command.
  • Later after this test, the discussion, i.e. the Group discussion were started by dividing the group into 10-15 members, and they have to discuss this image to conclude the best story. This session will be like a fish market, and you should keep yourself cool throughout the process for success.
  • After this, the candidates were shortlisted from this, and they will get a call from FSB – Final Selection Board at Noida.
  • This is a 4-day process. The first day is the psychology, second and third day is the group task process with the personal interview on any one day. The 4th day is the conference, i.e. the result.  The candidates selected in this are directed to medical checkup and then final merit list.
  1. Stage 2 FSB of coast guard (Final Selection Board)
  • All the selected candidates who successfully cleared stage1 will be called to attend the stage 2 at FSB Noida.
  • Stage 2 is a 4-day process of Psychological test on day one, the next two days are reserved for GTO last along with the interview the last day is Conference day, and the result will be announced.
  • The selected candidates are for the medical check-up, and the final selection is based on merit list.

Hope this post helped you clear the procedure.

Stay tuned to DDE for more.

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