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Friday, March 14, 2025

madras regiment of indian army

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Madras regiment of the Indian army

Hello aspirants,

In this post we will know about the Madras regiment, motto and its creation and war fought along with medals and decorations. This post will help you prepare for the SSB interview.

  1. About Madras regiment
  • The Madras Regiment originated in 1758 is one of the oldest infantry regiment of the Indian Army.
  • The regiment took part in numerous campaigns with both the British Indian Army and the post-independence Indian Army and brought laurel to the regiment and country.


Motto-“Swadharme Nidhanam Shreyaha” (It is a glory to die doing one’s duty)

Warcry-“Veera Madrassi, Adi Kollu, Adi Kollu” (Brave Madrassi, Hit and Kill, Hit and Kill!)


  1. Pre-independence
  • The Madras Regiment was initially formed as the Madras European Regiment in the 1660s by the East India Company.
  • It was formed as a battalion in 1748 under the command of Major Stringer Lawrence. The battalion was involved in all the battles against the French forces in India.
  • Lawrence structured the regiment to include two battalions, one European and one Sepoy (Indian).
  • The regiment has been through many campaigns with both the British Indian Army and the Indian Army.
  • Many well-known British officers have commanded this regiment, among them Robert Clive. 
  • This regiment fought in the Carnatic wars of South India.
  1. Post-Independence
  • After independence, several infantry battalions were merged to form madras regiment.
  • The battalions of the Regiment fought fierce battles during the 1947–48 Jammu & Kashmir Operations, the 1962 Sino-Indian Conflict and the Indo-Pak Wars of 1965 and 1971.
  • The deployment of as many as seven battalions of the Regiment in Sri Lanka during Operation Pawan in 1987–89 showed faith the Indian Army reposed in the loyalty, dedication and bravery of the troops of the Madras Regiment.
  • The regiment has taken part in various humanitarian aid operations in India. It has also taken part in different UN Peacekeeping missions.
  • The regiment has been awarded unit citations by the COAS in recognition of their splendid service in combating insurgency in Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab.
  • The regiment still recruits heavily from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh with a slight majority of Tamil- and Malayalam-speaking recruits.

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