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Territorial Army Notification 2023 (Registration Opens today)

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Territorial Army Notification 2023

Territorial Army Notification 2023. Applications are invited from gainfully employed citizens for an opportunity of donning the uniform and serving the nation as Territorial Army Officers, based on the concept of enabling motivated young citizens to serve in a military environment without having to sacrifice their primary professions. 

Conditions of Eligibility :

Nationality: Only citizens of India (male and female).

Age Limits: 18 to 42 years as on last day of filing of application i.e.should have attained minimum 18 years and should not be more than 42 Years on 21 Nov 2023.

Educational Qualifications: Graduate from any recognized university.

territorial army notification 2023
Standard and Syllabus of the Examination :

The standard of the papers in Elementary Mathematics will be of Matriculation level. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be such as maybe expected of a graduate of an Indian university. 

The Territorial Army Directorate have discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the examination.

How to Apply :

Candidates are required to apply online by using the website www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in

Submission of online application will begin on 23rd October and remain open till 21 November 2023.

Candidates’ are required to pay a fee of Rs 500/- (Rupees five hundred only).

Selection Procedure :

Candidates whose application forms are found correct and are declared successful in the online entrance exam will be detailed for intelligence and personality test at the Service Selection Board.

Two-stage selection procedure based on Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test has been introduced at Service Selection Boards. All the candidates will be put to stage one test on first day of reporting at Selection Centres. Only those candidates who qualify at stage one will be admitted to the second stage/remaining tests and all those who fail to pass stage one, will be returned.

The male and female candidates will be placed in separate order of merit on the basis of the total marks secured by them in the online entrance examination and in the SSB tests.

territorial army 2023
Available On Amazon & Flipkart
Pay Scale :

The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of Admission Certificate to the candidate will not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared by the competent authority. 

Important Dates :
Beginning of online Application23 October 2023
Last date of online submission21 November 2023
Date of Examination3rd/4th week of December

Territorial Army Official Notification 2023 : Download PDF

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NotificationsTerritorial Army Notification 2023 (Registration Opens today)


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