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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tips To Excel In Group Planning Exercise SSB

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Tips to excel in Group Planning Exercise SSB

In this particular blog we are going to discuss the tips to excel in the Group Planning Exercise of the SSB. Being an Army Officer is not everyone’s cup of tea it needs determination and courage as well.

In many situations, an officer has to encounter adversities, and at that time the responsibility of the troops rely entirely upon the officer’s decision. Thus this test of Group planning exercise is conducted in the Services Selection Board.

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What is Group Planning Exercise
  • Group planning exercise is conducted during the third day of the SSB.
  • This particular task falls under the Group task that is usually conducted by a Group testing officer.
  • In this task, candidates are arranged in the form of the group’s size varying from 6-10 candidates.
  • The task comprises of some problems that we face in day to day life and the notion is how we solve these problems as a group.
  • An example of Group Planning Exercise is given as follows:
  • Entire focus in the Group Planning is on team coordination or how candidates work with his team.
  • The task is divided into two major parts, firstly writing of individual solutions to a problem and then discussing a common group solution.
group planning exercise ssb
Rules for the Group Planning Exercise:
  • The Group planning exercise took place just after your Group Discussions.
  • The GTO will first unveil a 2D or 3D model depicting certain places and distance between them along with some important places like police stations, hospitals, military base depending upon the problem to problem.
  • The GTO will first brief you about features of the model, about marks, direction, scale, and other things.
  • Try to listen to all the briefing of the GTO very carefully.
  • Then every candidate will be given the story card comprising the GPE problem which the GTO had briefed to you for about 2-3 minutes.
  • After that, he will give a time of about 5-10 minutes to write your individual plans on the sheet provided to you.
  • Afterward, the sheet would be taken and you have to discuss the plan to reach a common group plan.
  • Once you are done with discussion the GTO will ask the Group to nominate a person to give him with the common plan.
group planning exercise ssb
Tips for writing the Individual solution:
  • Most of the candidates think that these sheets in which you wrote the individual solution are not checked by the GTO.
  • But in reality, he evaluates your individual plans also.
  • The first thing to keep in mind is the time constraint within which you have to write the entire solution.
  • Secondly, the plan written should be legible.
  • Also, it should not be very lengthy.
  • Try to make the solution in form of points as it improves the readability.
  • Try to prioritize the problems given and solve them accordingly.
  • Also, mention the time in your solution as the deadline is very important while you are solving any task.
  • Try to use most of the resources given in the problem as it shows your resourcefulness.
  • Also, solve problems as a team with good coordination.
  • Also once all problems are solved you also have to carry on with the primary task you were doing.
  • To get well versed with GPE try to solve some examples this could be found over the internet.
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Tips for Discussion of the plan:
  • Try to initiate the discussion it shows you quality to initiate.
  • If you don’t get a chance to initiate, try to butt in in the discussion as soon as you can.
  • Don’t be mute observers of the discussion, it shows your lack of interest.
  • Give valid points with full confidence and represent the entire group.
  • If you agree with someone’s point praise him and your points if any.
  • Also if you don’t agree with someone, try to convince him with your point giving valid reasons.
  • Try to give 4-5 valid points it will be alright.
  • Don’t dominate the entire group.
  • Let others a fair chance to speak.
  • In the end, if you want to give common group solution asks the group, no one would deny.
  • Give the common plan to the GTO confidently, include all the points discussed.
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BlogsTips To Excel In Group Planning Exercise SSB
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