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Friday, March 28, 2025

Service Entry Army Navy Airforce | Soldier to Officer

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Many a times we aren’t aware of our abilities. One may have joined as Soldier, Airmen or sailor but may possess qualities of an Officer. In such case there are couple of Service specific entries.

ACC (Army Cadet College) Entry

SCO (Special Commissioned Officer) Entry

This entry is for an NCO already serving in Indian Army.

There are almost 100 vacancies through SCO every year for jawans already serving as NCO.

When does the notification come out ? – in April and July

How to apply ? – Visit your unit’s AG Branch

What is the age criteria ? – Your age should not be less than 30 years or more than 35 years

Any other criteria? – Yes, you need to have served at least for 5 years.

Any education criteria? Yes, candidates who have at least done their 10+2 or equivalent (diploma).

What should be the marital status? Both married and unmarried soldiers are eligible

What is the selection procedure? – You will be called for SSB interview between July to August for January course & November to December for July course.

What is the further procedure after clearing SSB ? – After clearing SSB you will be called for Medicals. Once declared medically fit by the medical boards you will be called up for joining AEC centre and college, Pachmarhi. After 8 weeks of compulsory training at AEC one goes through 1 year at OTA (Officers training academy, Gaya).

Post successful completion of 1 year at OTA, Gentleman cadet passes out as lieutenant.

PC SL (Permanent Commission Special List) Entry

This is a final chance for a NCO Personnel to join Indian Army as Officer

There are almost 100 vacancies through PCSL every year for jawans already serving as NCO excluding sepoy.

When does the notification come out ? – in April and July

How to apply ? – Visit your unit’s AG Branch

What is the age criteria ? – Your age should not be more than 42 years, 45 in case of engineers

Any other criteria? – Yes, you need to have served at least for 10 years.

Any education criteria? Yes, candidates who have done at least their 10+2 or equivalent (diploma).

What should be the marital status? Both married and unmarried soldiers are eligible

What is the selection procedure? – You will be called for SSB interview between September and October.

What is the further procedure after clearing SSB ? – After clearing SSB you will be called for Medicals. Once declared medically fit by the medical boards you will be called up for joining AEC centre and college, Pachmarhi. After eight weeks of compulsory training one goes through another 4 weeks at IMA (Indian military academy). Post successful completion of 4 weeks at IMA, Gentleman cadet passes out as lieutenant.

Commission Worthy & Special Duty Scheme

This entry is for sailors who are already serving in Indian Navy.

When does the notification come out ? – in April and October

How to apply ? – Apply offline. CO will forward the application.

What is the age criteria ? – Your age should not be more than 24 years in case of artificer sailor. 22 ½ in case of non artificer sailor.

Any other criteria? – Yes, you need to be 5th class specialist in case of artificer sailor and 3rd class specialist otherwise

Any education criteria? Yes, candidates who have done at least their 10+2 with maths and physics

What should be the marital status? Both married and unmarried soldiers are eligible

What is the selection procedure? – You will be called for Initial interview called PSB. Once selected sailor has to undergo written exam. Post clearing the written exam there will be SSB Interview and medical test.

What is the written exam syllabus? – Witten exam is similar to AA/SSR. Subjects are Maths, General Knowledge and English

Where is the training conducted ? – Training of cadet is at INA Ezhimala for a 4 year Btech course.

ACC (Army Cadet College) Entry

Airmen can apply for ACC Entry to change service and become officer in Indian Airforce.


Airmen is eligible to appear for AFCAT along with civilians. While the entire selection process remains the same, airmen can apply till 27 years of age.

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