Attempt the Space Questions Quiz, passing percentage is 70%
#1. When was Indian Space Research Organisation formed?
#2. Who is the present Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)?
#3. What is the name of China’s first Mars Rover which landed on Mars?
#4. The Satish Dhawan Space Centre is located in which state?
#5. What was the name of Chandrayan-2 Rover?
#6. What is the name of scientist, on whom the CBI probe happened and a Bollywood movie is also realising?
#7. Where is the integration and launching of Satellites carried out?
#8. What is the name of movie which portrayed the Mars Orbiter Mission?
#9. What is the full form of GSLV, a rocket operated by ISRO?
#10. Where is Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station is located?
#11. Who is known as the “founding father” of Indian Space Program?
#12. What was the name of Chandrayan-2 Lander?
#13. Who was project director of Chandrayan-1 Mission?
#14. Who was the mission director of Mars Orbiter Mission?
#15. What is the full form of PSLV, a rocket operated by ISRO?
#16. What is full form of ASLV, a rocket operated by ISRO in past?
#17. Who was the project director of Chandrayan-2 Mission?
#18. Where are the Satellites of Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO are made?
#19. What is the name of Mars Rover launched by NASA that extracted oxygen in Mars?
#20. What the name of Mars Orbiter Mission?
#21. What is the name of Commercial Wing of ISRO?
#22. What is the name of space helicopter launched by NASA to land on Mars?
#23. Where are the Rockets and Launch Vehicles of ISRO are made?
#24. Cyclone Taukate which recently hit Indian Western Coast. The Taukate name is given by which Country?
#25. Kalpana Chawla died in which space disaster?
The Pattern of Quiz:
MON – Defence and Aviation Quiz
TUE – History/Geo/Polity
FRI – Static GK Quiz
SAT – Current Affairs Quiz
SUN – 50 Questions Test Series
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