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Prabhat Panwar Recommended in 4th Attempt For NDA

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Prabhat Panwar Recommended in 4th Attempt For NDA

Jai Hind Aspirants, hope the Josh is High! Myself Prabhat Panwar and I got recommended in my 4th attempt from 2 Afsb Mysore for nda 142 with AIR 146.I was 1 time C/O and two S/O and through these failures, i build up the path to success. 
Through this post, I would be sharing some simple steps an ideal candidate must follow before going to SSB and my strategy for each task at SSB and I am sure they will benefit you. 
Sources of preparation:Use technology at its best. Youtube videos of Col. Ganesh Babu of AFOSOP are really good. Lakshya academy videos too are good. Any good ssb book and online material of DDE are best for practice. 

1.Screening: This test will going to decide your stay at SSB, so be serious and well prepared for it. Practice for OIR is a must thing( may refer some book or I would recommend DDE’s OIR book ). Before 1 month of SSB start practicing story writing and narrate visualising as you are in PPDT. Your story must be simple and try to connect any social issue to the picture which is recognized by team members as common story most of the times. Never shout in the”fish market” in gd.. Just look for moments and speak valid points. Be much calmer and mature. Narrate with full confidence and have faith in yourself. 

SSB OIR BOOK – Recommended by Ex-SSB President


2.Psychology tests:The key to this test is being what you actually are. Practice more from any source you like( Youtube videos of SSB experts are good. Follow a good book like Cdr. N. K. Natarajan). Emphasise on the quality of answers not the quantity and practice fast writing. Make your thinking healthy by reading newspaper daily and TheBetterIndia is another best site for positive news around us.”Always try to make connection of OLQs in TAT, wat, srt and sd which comes with practice.” 
I did all 12 TAT stories, 60 wat, 30 srt (with proper explanation of my actions) and complete SD. Remember to prepare Self Description with honesty and ask opinion from parents, teachers and friends and never bluff. Be a mindfull and organized person in your responses. 

3.GTO:This test actually decides whether you are fit to become a military leader, be best prepared for it. The key to this is to befriend each and every member of your group and help everyone. 
(a) GD:  Read newspaper especially the editorial part so you can easily form opinions about topic. Show some patience and speak such that everyone listens and feel convinced. 4-5 crisp and clear points with examples are enough. 
(b) GPE: Be a group member, listen to others and give easy and logical points. Always prioritize the situations and solve according to your thinking and resources. 
(c) PGT, HGT: Here comes the important task of Gto. Be cooperative, give your ideas and implement others ideas too. Always encourage team to move forward and be fast in decisions. Avoid breaking rules and accept your mistakes. I participated actively and gave new ideas in each obstacle. 
(d) GOR: Enjoy this task to fullest. Keep josh much higher and help each other to move forward keeping rules in mind. 
(e) Lecturette:Prepare by reading news and current affairs and practice beforehand. Split your speech in parts like into, causes or present scenario, body, conclusion, etc. and maintain a confident body posture. 
(f) Individual obstacles:Physical fitness is basis of armed forces. So start running, playing sports and exercising from now onwards. Never procrastinate for your fitness. I practiced rope climbing (for afsb only) and build arm strength much before ssb. 
(g) Command task:This is best oppurtunity to present your leadership potential. Be bold in your decision and keep doing if nothing is working out. Chose subordinates according to task and behave as a mature leader. I was called at last and given tough task. Did 3 approach but it did not worked, when Gto started putting pressure, applied simple but complex approach and completed ! 
(i) FGT:Every task is a chance for you to prove yourself. Give your best in Fgt. Move forward with team and be polite with everyone. 

4)INTERVIEW: This is just same as if you are talking with your uncle. Be proud of your achievements of past and be clear of your future plans and actions. Proper conversation is only possible when you are not trying to hide anything from interviewer and have reason behind each of your actions. Prepare the PIQ before ssb and be ready to explain each line written by you in it. Introspection is backbone of ssb aspirant, be wise towards this. Meditation helped me a lot to know myself from inside and improving weaknesses on a daily basis. 
5)Conference : I have to wait 5 minutes and my conference lasts for only 2 minutes with questions like my stay, suggestions, weaknesses and strengths. 
At last I would like to say that your hard work, originality and faith on youself can only get you through recommendation. If at anytime you feel low of motivation, remember, 
“You are born to fight and fight to win”. 
Jai Hind. 

(For any ssb or medical related quiries, feel free to ask at kungfuprabhat4@gmail.com)

Free SSB Study Material – Click Here To Download

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