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Friday, March 14, 2025

Lt Colonel Mitali Madhumita- First Woman Officer

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Lt Colonel Mitali Madhumita- First Woman Officer To Receive Gallantry Award

Hello aspirants,

This post is fascinating for all the aspirants as we will discuss the only woman officer of the Indian army who was honoured with gallantry award for her action during crises and helped the needy. This post will be helpful for all the aspirants.

About Lt Colonel Mitali Madhumita
  • Col Madhumita joined the Indian Army in 2000 and got commissioned into the Army Education Corps. She had served right from Jammu & Kashmir to the North East encompassing all forward areas.
  • February 2010, Lt Col Mitali Madhumita (then Major) was leading the Army’s English Language Training Team in Afghanistan.
  • On the fateful day of 26th February, she was staying at a nearby guesthouse when got the information of an attack on the Indian facility.
  • As per the source, it was reported that she almost ran for 2Km to reach the hot-spot and that too unarmed. There were blazing gunshots all around. Regardless of that, she sprinted across the debris to evacuate her comrades.
  • She made sure that she saved as many people as possible and got them to medical assistance without thinking about her safety.
  • For her brave act, Mitali was conferred with the Sena Medal, the very first awarded to a woman army officer who went beyond the call of duty and helped save lives.
  • Madhumita being a short service commission officer requested the army for a permanent commission, but the Ministry of Defence refused to accept her request, Madhumita appealed the Ministry of Defence’s decision not to give her permanent commission before the Armed Forces Tribunal in March 2014.
  • The Tribunal found her request had merit and in February 2015 directed the Ministry of Defence to reinstate her. However, the Ministry of Defence appealed against the order of the Armed Forces Tribunal in the Supreme court of India was stating that Madhumita had enlisted in the army on a short service commission.
  • In 2016 Supreme court of India rejected the Ministry of Defence’s plea against granting her a permanent commission in the Indian army.
  • Col Madhumita is posted as Vice Principal at Sainik School, Nagrota, J&K nurturing the future of the country under her leadership.
  • There are many qualities which must be inculcated from this brave officer who without thinking of her safety rushed to save the life of others in need which shows she is worthy of all the honour bestowed to her.

So, this was a short and motivational post for all the aspirants.

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