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TGC 130 Notification Technical Graduate Course Indian Army

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TGC 130 Notification Technical Graduate Course Indian Army

Indian Army will soon publish a notification for TGC entry. TGC 130 is an opportunity for engineers who wish to join Indian Army. Submission of online application will begin from 10 April and remain open till 09 May 2019.

Candidates who wish to Join Indian Army through TGC scheme must be between 20 to 27 years old as on 1 Jan 2020. They should have either completed requisite engineering degree, or be in final year of it.

TGC has vacancies in Civil, Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical / Electrical and Electronics, Computer science and engineering / Computer technology / Info tech / MSc Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunication / Telecommunication / Electronics and Communication / Satellite Communication, Electronics, Metallurgical, Electronics and Instrumentation / Instrumentation, Micro electronics and microwave.

Integrated Head Quarter of Ministry of Defence (Army) shortlists candidates by fixing a cutoff percentage. The cutoff varies for each branch from 65% to 75%. Once shortlisted candidated are required to log on to their profile and select their dates of SSB interview.

.Procedure to Apply for TGC 130: Visit www.joinindianarmy.nic.in and click on “Officers Entry Apply/Login”. Register on the website. Once registered, log in using your credentials and click on “Apply”. Candidates who had registerd earlier can directly login to their account.

(i) Candidates must enter their particulars in the online application. Terms and conditions linked to the form must be read, prior to submitting the form.

(ii) After submitting the form an acknowledgement with a Roll number will be provided to the candidate. If the system does not generate Roll Number, it is an indication of non-acceptance of application by the system.

(iii) After submitting online application, candidates are required to obtain two copies of the application printout and the Roll Number generated by the system. One copy of the print out application duly Signed by the candidate will be carried to the selection centre for the SSB interview.

(iv) Two self attested photocopies of the above mentioned certificates will be submitted at the time of SSB interview and originals will be returned after verification at the SSB itself.

(v) 20 copies of self-attested PP size photograph will also be carried along with the Application Form.

(vi) The second copy of the printout of online application is to be retained by the candidate for his reference. No need to send any hard copy to DG Rtg / Rtg Dte.

(vii) Candidates must submit only one application; Receipt of multiple applications from the same candidate will result in cancellation of candidature.

Following documents are required to be carried along with the Application Form:- (i) Class 10th certificate / mark sheet showing DOB in original. (ii) Class 12th certificate / mark sheet in original. (iii) Mark sheets of all semester (iv) Graduation Certificate (v) ID proof in original

Selection Procedure: After getting shortlisted, candidates need to go through the SSB process which consist of two stages.

Stage I comprises of an Intelligence Test, and a Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT). Those who can clear stage I only are taken to stage II.

In Stage II candidates will face Psychological Tests, Group Test I and II for two days, and Personal Interview.

How to Prepare for SSB:  To clear stage I of SSB, it is hghly recommended for a candidate to go through SSB OIR BOOK which is forwarded by Col. Anshu Trivedi, Ex SSB President of Selection Centre South.

For Stage II, candidates are advised to refer TATWATGTO ebooks which have been a key to success for many recommended candidates.

You can also download free ebooks available on website.

Deatiled Notification of TGC 130 will be updated soon on DDE. Stay tuned

Click Here For SSB Study Material

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