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Word Association Test: Read This and Excel in It

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Word Association Test : Read This and Excel in It

How’s the Josh Warriors?

Hello Folks, I hope you are applying every inch of hard work and effort to earn the prestigious uniform of the Indian Armed Forces. In this appreciable blog, I am going to profile the effective way to excel in Word Association Test of SSB.

What is Word Association Test (WAT) in SSB Interview?

  • WAT is defined as the test in which a one word is shown for 15 seconds and candidates are expected to write the first thought that comes to their mind within the given time.
  • The test goes on till the 60th word is shown on the screen. The time limit is important to gauge your natural response.
  • Word Association test is not a sentence making test, else it would have been named as SAT.
  • WAT evaluates the quality of ideas associated with the words. While attempting WAT, the idea that comes to your mind is more important, regardless of the beauty of expression.
  • Among the 60 words, some would be positive;  some would be neutral and some would be  negative but you have to focus on responding to each and every word.
  • Under any circumstances, At least 50 Words should be attempted by you. In order to do this, you have to practice constantly.
What should be taken care of?

  • Do not use Idioms and Phrases.
  • Do not use preachings and, Refrain yourself from giving advices or instructions.
  • Neither use quotes nor begin your sentence with I or Me.
  • Do not write the definition or meaning of a word.
  • Do not tend towards Army or Airforce or Navy for every sentence.
  • Do not frame your sentences in Past or Future. Focus on Present.
Qualities assessed by the psychologist during Word Association Test (WAT):

01. Loyalty
  • It is assessed when you write about friendship, obedience towards your parents, bond towards your pet, homage-to martyrs, devotion-to your sports etc.
02. Liveliness
  • It is assessed when you write about an outgoing adventure, energetic act like dance, enthusiastic play or any atmosphere that witnesses excitement.
03. Team spirit 
  • It is assessed when you write about a willingness to cooperate with a group, collaborate, complement, working together.
04. Self confidence 
  • It is assessed when one writes about adhering on their opinion, judgement, believing in one’s ability, backing your actions, completing a task.
05. Fearlessness
  • It is assessed when one’s views are free from distress, dismay, does not panic in unfavorable situations, has daring action.
06. Unselfishness
  • This trait is identified when your views flicker love and care for others, don’t be obsessed with your achievements & greatness.
07. Knowledge
  • It is assessed when you write about facts, information, theory, experience, mastery. There should be awareness in terms of global & national issues.
08. Observation
  • This trait depends on how you are as a companion, your hospitality, graciousness, genial attitude and how easily you jell with your comrades. t solely depends on your analysis, examining capability, reviewing power.
09. Sociability
  • This trait depends on how you are as a companion, your hospitality, graciousness, genial attitude and how easily you jell with your comrades.
Grading System used at SSB:
  • The psychologists have been through a special course, intense studies and researches.
  • The Psychologists are well experienced and therefore, it is almost impossible to fake your responses.
  • There is no point in working on forging your responses, rather it is advised to learn what a psychologist expects followed by a lot of practice questions.
 Grades Description:
  • N1: Least Neutral Rating (N stands for Neutral).
  • N2: Better than N1.
  • N3: Not positive but better than N1 and N2.
  • P1: Least Positive Rating (P stands  for  Positive).
  • P2: Better than P1.
  • P3: Most desirable grade.
  • HP: This grade is awarded on Highly Positive Response.
  • Getting a grade between N-1 and N-3 is fair enough and acceptable.
  • Your objective should be to get a grade anywhere between P-1 and HP for considerable performance.
Get the best ebook for Word Association test – Click here

Tips to excel in Word Association Test (WAT):

  • You need to write fast as candidates often miss some of the words and run out of time.
  • Practice a lot of WAT a month or two before your SSB Interview.
  • Practice 20-25 words on a daily basis.
  • After practicing, read your sentences again and again to point out the improvements.
  • If possible, prepare with someone already preparing for SSB so as to compare and evaluate each other’s sentences.
  • Try practicing in morning to sync your mind and body with the actual timings of the test at SSB Interview.
  • Do not use precahings, refrain from giving advices/instruction.
  • Do not write the meaning and definition of a word.
  • Do write your natural responses and try to attempt atleast 45-50 Words in test.
  • Avoid sentences on simple observations.
  • Avoid writing Idioms and Phrases, Quotations and Universal Truths as they show lack of original thoughts.
  • Don’t try to memorise beforehand of the test.
  • You will automatically get the flow once you have started practicing regularly.
  • Make a positive and meaningful sentence as far as possible in your test.
  • Avoid ths use of “I or Me” and maintain a good hand-writing.
  • Psychologists assess WAT on daily basis and it won’t take them much time to identify whether you are practical or trying to fake your response.
  • You will definitely excel in WAT once you have practiced well with these guidelines.
Important solved WATs for the SSB Interview:

01.  Easy: Formula makes math’s problem easy.

02.  Ahead: India is ahead of most of its neighbours.

03.  Sacrifice: Soldiers are sacrificing their lives for the nation.

04.  Happy: Smile on parents face makes us happy.

05.  Discussion: Discussion makes concept clear.

06.  Satisfaction: Team work gives satisfaction.

07.  Encourage: Friends encourage each other.

08.  System: Systematic approach is always successful.

09.  Quick: Quick decision shows clarity of mind.

10.  Comfort: Technology has made life comfortable.

11.  Judge: Judge passed order based on the evidence.

12.  Women: Entry of women in the Army is a good step.

13.  Desire: Hard work yields the desired goal in life.

14.  Bold: Boldness is state of mind.

15.  Brave: Soldiers bravely fought  the battle.

​​​ I hope the article was helpful for all the defence aspirants, if you have any doubt at all or you want to suggest anything then please leave a comment to help you in least possible time!!

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⚔ Jai Hind ⚔
Also Read: How to perform well in Situation Reaction Test
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BlogsWord Association Test: Read This and Excel in It
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