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Friday, March 28, 2025

Major issues between India & Pakistan

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Major issues between India & Pakistan

Hello aspirants,

Indo-Pak relation is a prevalent topic for the SSB lecturette, and one must have insight about the subject to speak on it for 3 mins. Today in this post I will discuss some of the significant issues that affect Indo-Pak relations. After going through this post, you will have an ample amount of matter to speak on this topic.


  • We all know about the history of India Pakistan separation and how the issue of Kashmir is still not resolved. It poses a significant problem between the two neighboring countries.
  • Pakistan argued that most Muslims dwell in the Himalayan region of Kashmir and therefore it should belong to prosperous Muslim Pakistan.
  • Kashmir is the heart of hostility between the neighbors and is the cause of two of their three wars since independence from Britain in 1947.
  • Separatists began an insurgency against Indian rule in 1989. Since then tens of thousands of people have been killed. India accuses Pakistan of supplying militants with arms and funds, while Islamabad says its role is limited to moral support.
  • There is constant unrest in the Kashmir valley and border areas because of infiltration of the militants across the border. The ceasefire is violated to help the penetration of the terrorist by the Pakistan army.
  • The bomb blast and infamous event that took place in Mumbai, pathankot showcased clear intention of Pakistan.
  • Testimony from Pakistani-American David Headley, who scouted targets for the militants who staged the 2008 Mumbai attacks, confirmed the involvement of Pakistan.
  • India had refused to resume peace talks until Islamabad take action against Pakistan-based militants that are running freely.
  •  Indus water treaty has always been a source of friction. The two countries disagree over the use of the water flowing down rivers that rise in Indian Kashmir and run into the Indus river basin in Pakistan.
  • Pakistan says India is unfairly diverting water with the upstream construction of barrages and dams. India denies the charge. Read moe about Indus water treaty here
  • Indian and Pakistani forces have faced off in the mountains above the Siachen glacier in the Karakoram range, the world’s highest battlefield, since 1984.
  • The two sides have been trying to find a solution that would allow them to withdraw troops, but India says it is unwilling to bring its forces down until Pakistan officially authenticates the positions they hold.
  • Pakistan has said it is willing to do so but on the condition that it is not a final endorsement of India’s claim over the glacier, one source of meltwater for Pakistan’s rivers.
  • Around 3-4cr is spend on a daily basis by the Indian government to sustain the Indian army in Siachen as the temperature falls as low as -50°C.
POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir)
  • It is called Azad Kashmir in Pakistan; the PoK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir) has been a bone of contention between the two neighboring countries since 1947.
  • United Nations and other international organizations refer to the region, as “Pakistani-controlled Kashmir” (or Pakistan Administered Kashmir) and it was re-named as Pakistan-Occupied Jammu-Kashmir by the Modi government.
  • The 13,297 square kilometers region which has an estimated population of about four million has added fuel to the burning hostility between India and Pakistan.
  • India has never given up its claim on the region, though Pakistan has the administration control over PoK.
  • Through decades all the efforts of resolving the issue have seen failure over and over again.
  • Afghanistan is a crucial source of unrest. The two countries have long competed for influence there.
  • Pakistan is deeply suspicious of a rise in India’s presence in Afghanistan.
  • Pakistan accuses India of using Afghanistan as a base to create problems inside Pakistan, including backing separatists in Baluchistan province.
  • India is worried that negotiations with the Taliban and the US pullout would give Pakistan an upper hand in Afghanistan.
Sir Creek issue
  • Sir Creek is a 96 kilometers long estuary in the marshes of the Rann of Katch where the Arabian Sea joins the land mass.
  • It currently lies on the border of India’s Gujarat and Pakistan’s Sindh province.
  • The strategic or military importance of Sir Creek is little. The core importance of Sir Creek is because of the fishing resources. Sir Creek is one of the most considerable fishing ground in Asia.
  • It currently lies on the border of India’s Gujarat and Pakistan’s Sindh province.
  • India says the depiction is part of ‘normal cartographic practice’ and should not be used to make any territorial claims.
Trade and visas
  • Both countries want to boost business, particularly crucial for Pakistan’s weak economy.
  • Islamabad has yet to grant India a “most favored nation” trade status.
  • Over concerns, its market will flood with cheap Indian goods.

Hope this post will help you give a vivid picture of the topic and assist you in preparing for the SSB.

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