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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Prashant Tiwari AFSB Mysore

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

Prashant Tiwari – 2 AFSB Mysore


Hello Readers, My name is Prashant Tiwari, I am from Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh and completed my graduation in B.S.C. (Science) from Kanpur University.

Instagram Id: prashant_yc12 Gmail:   tprashant519@gmail.com .



My journey

My journey began when I decided to write the AFCAT-1 2018 by the grace of almighty god I have cleared it. Then I choose 9 July date for the AFSB. My AFSB interview started on 9th July in 2 AFSB, Mysore.

On 9th I reported in Mysore station at 0600 hours from there we are taken to 2-AFSB, Mysore and after brief documentation we are given chest numbers but I was surprised to know that 254 candidates reported there, but it was a pretty normal affair because previous batch of 242 candidates got washed off. Then we were taken to the hall where OIR test was conducted, which consists of 2 sets of 40 questions and we have to complete it in 17 minutes for each set. I have completed all before the time and it was very easy.


Then we are shown a hazy picture of a rural background of 3 characters, I made a decent story on it. We were given 30 seconds to analyze and 4 minutes to write the story. Then we are divided into group of 15 & mine chest number was 63. Then we narrated our stories one by one and I narrate it in just 50 seconds.

My suggestions Try to be crisp & short while narrating & also be confident. Then we started the discussion I take the initiative and decided the characters then also added some points and finally we reach to common story. Then at 3 pm our result was announced, I was screened in & given chest number 26. Out of 254 only 78 were screened in. I was allotted a room along with my group which consisted of 9 people including me.


Psychological Tests

The same evening we had psych at 06.30 pm. testing started and series of TAT,WAT,SRT & SD were conducted .Try to be simple and plain as possible in your responses includes your daily life incidents and also about your friends in them. For example – Clear: – Aseem clears CDS Cut off, Tease: – Avoid teasing builds up good behavior….etc In SD try to match it with PIQ You will clear the psych easily and testing ended around 9.30 pm. We were taken for the dinner immediately after that all we slept. It was an amazing and memorable experience.

Next day in the morning we were asked to come for breakfast at 6 am in the morning wearing the respective dresses for the testing of the day we had our GTO that day. It was started with two GDs in both of them I participated actively and all group members were very co- operating, we listened everyone, it was followed by GPE in which I wrote the complete solution firstly by prioritizing the problem, then dividing group into groups & finally we also reach to the common solution. Then came our PGT in which our group completed all the four obstacles within the time given by GTO sir& all members have given ideas. P.S – Firstly try to use simple ideas in PGT inspite of being complicated, avoid ropes in starting obstacles u can easily complete them with plank and balli. Ropes will be used in 3rd or 4th obstacles. Then snake race was conducted our war cry was “BHARAT MATA KI JAI” we performed well & suggesting that it is a fun task so avoid injuries. Then comes the HGT we were divided into two groups. Both groups completed the HGTs well before in time. P.S – If u started at the first position then remain at first at the end of group testing exercises if you are at the last remain at the last position with helping hands to others. Then our testing of day 2 ends and we reached our room.

Next day our GTO started with command task and I was called by 3 members as sub-ordinates. In my command task GTO sir was raising the level of task by broking the structures. But I completed it with ease before the given time. I called two sub-ordinates chest no.25 & 27 as both were my good friends and later one of them chest no.24 and 25 gets recommended also. Then came individual obstacle I manage to complete 6 out of 10 obstacles. Avoid injuries in individual obstacles do those tasks only which you can it’s not one task matters it matters whole performance. Then again our group rejoined and we were taken to the FGT task in which we all given good ideas and also completed it in stipulated time. Then our testing of GTO ends & GTO Sir told us SSB is a lifetime experience, you will never forget these memories so just enjoy it & do your best.

Next day, All group members including me have their interviews .so we dresses in the formals and reported to the waiting room as I have the interview in the last at 12.30 pm but i had to wait for 1 hour as I was called at 1.30 pm, my interview started and the questions from my all walks of life asked and I answered all of them. He also started with rapid fire questions two times & I answered all of them in a sequence. He asked why to join Air force over Army & Navy. .., do you have back up if u not make to the air Force, I answered all of them & then he started asking some current questions. Which I managed to answer all except 2 or 3 questions.

My interview was over at around 2.30 pm, Sir was seen satisfied with my responses. Then I reach my room and then we visited Mysore zoo with my group members and the birthday boy Chinmay (27) we celebrated his birthday and came back to our room and it was a memorable day as we enjoyed much.


Conference day


Then came conference day , which is also called D- day and we all were very nervous about the results, we dressed in the formals and reach the testing hall at 8 am morning we group members hug each other and asked everyone of us to be calm. Then conference started everyone was holding and coming back…in 2 minutes. But before my chest no.24 and 25 is there who was made to wait for 15 minutes to go to conference room, then after him I also made to wait for 15 minutes Mine chest number 26  was called I greeted them he asked questions about my stay and difference between Mysore and Rae Bareli and also to rate out of my performance Then it was over in just 3 minutes .And then at 4 pm DSO Sir came and announced the result …chest no.24,..25…then came 26 (mine) and then 28..tears came into my eyes as I have finally got the success as this was the best moment of my life despite of lots of up and downs in my life and also about my group friends and other members who couldn’t make it as they have also given their best….But our two friends Rohit and Parth make it ,also happy for them .Then we filled lot of forms. At last I would like to thank my friends especially Aseem, my parents and family members who supported me. At the end I would like to say….. “The doors of success are open for those who climb till the end.” Fight the odds and NEVER GIVE UP in your life.


Reading success stories gave me motivation and finally the day came when I got the chance to write my own success story.

Instagram Id: prashant_yc12 Gmail:   tprashant519@gmail.com .


My suggestions:-

  1. Psychological Tests are used to bring out your true personality.
  2. I suggest you to meditate daily.
  3. Do not panic.
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