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Friday, March 28, 2025

How Should I Prepare For NDA Maths Exam?

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

NDA Mathematics is one of the toughest paper among all defence exams. It’s toughness is equated with that of IIT JEE. NDA maths is completely based on 11th and 12th standard syllabus.

What makes NDA Mathematics difficult is that it has little to no relation with subjects taught to students from 6th to 10th standard.

Concept taught in 11th standard are new to student and little time does he get until he’s introduced to another set of new concepts in 12th standard.

NDA Mathematics Analysis

The images below will give you a clear picture. Get clarity on what’s more important and the kind of attention each chapter seeks.

nda maths blueprint
nda maths
nda maths syllabus
nda maths chapters weightage
nda mathematics

Now that you clearly know the average weight of each chapter let us move to the preparation part.

NDA Preparation Strategy

To begin with each chapter have a clarity on basics. Try to memorise formulas and understand concept as much as you can. It is perfectly fine to not be thorough with formulas at this point.

The very significant information that you should know at this point is that NDA question paper that is prepared by UPSC is a mix of difficulty as categorised below.

Percentage WeightDifficulty Level
30% Basic Difficulty – Level 1 Questions
40% Medium Difficulty – Level 2 Questions
30%Extreme Difficulty – Level 3 Questions

Majority of the candidates have wrong approach. They begin with any random question which can be medium or level 3 question. This way the entire enthusiasm of NDA preparation turns into fear.

Here is the approach you should follow after learning basics and concepts:

  1. Solve all the level 1 questions and circle the ones you are unable to solve
  2. Check solutions now and see if you can now solve the circled ones
  3. If you are not able to solve few of them even now then double circle those
  4. You are not clear with the concept of questions you have double circled. Hence, work on it first before proceeding further.

The concepts of level 1 will be repeated in a complex manner in advanced levels and hence you require clarity before going forward.

proceed to level 2 once level 1 is clear. You’ll find you are able to reach mid way of solutions in level 2 and this is because your basic concepts are clear.

Similarly, follow the approach for level 3.

You also have to know that 120 questions in NDA carry equal marks but are not equally difficult. So, Prepare smart!

NDA Mathematics Self Study Source

Problem is that most books have presented blunt content and there are very few books that follow level wise approach.

Level wise approach is essential and while Pathfinder has followed 2 level approach there is only one book in India that has followed 3 level approach. The Book is “Mission NDA”

Mission NDA Book

Mission NDA Mathematics

If you can do self study then its good enough but if you want expert guidance or a tutor to complete Mission NDA Book just like you used to do in School books then you can look for some tuition where your senior can help you cover the book.

Additionally, you can also make a friend circle who will complete the book together so that each can help by providing the value and feedbacks

If you are preparing through Mission NDA Book and have friends who have similar serious mindset then it is highly recommended that you prepare together to score 400+ easily!

How much time does it take to finish NDA Mathematics?

This depends on how much time you are willing to put in everyday. If you are in your 12th then most of the NDA Syllabus has been already covered in 11th and the rest will be what you study for your 12th boards.

Schools finish up your entire 12th syllabus by the mid terms to start your pre boards afterwards.

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