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Friday, March 28, 2025

K Missile Family – Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile System

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K Missile Family – Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile System

The K family of missiles is a series of submarine launched ballistic missiles which is named after Indian scientist and former president Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. These “K” missiles are faster, lighter and stealthier than their Agni series counterparts. It is developed to boost India’s second strike capabilities and augment its nuclear deterrence.

Previously we have covered Agni and Prithvi missile series, In this article we will study about K series of missiles.

So Let’s start

  • It is a short range submarine launched ballistic missile which is currently in service of Indian Navy.
  • It is also known by its code name B05.
  • Sagarika has a two stage engine with solid fueled rocket motors
  • Its operational range is 750 km with a maximum payload of 1000 Kg.
  • It can be launched from Arihant class submarines.
  •  It is an intermediate range submarine launched ballistic missile which is in under development phase by DRDO.
  • It can carry up to 2 tonnes of warhead and is powered by solid rocket propellant engine.
  • This missile has a maximum range of 3500 km, this missile will be known for its high accuracy and precision.
  • Also, it uses a Ring Laser Gyro Inertial Navigation system to achieve high accuracy.
  • It can be launched from Arihant class submarines.
  • It will be a long range SLBM being developed by DRDO.
  • Its maximum range will be 5000 km.
  • It will carry a payload of 1000 kg
  • This missile will significantly boost the underwater capabilities of Indian Navy.
  • This missile will have the same launching platform like its other family members that is Arihant class submarines.
  • This missile is being developed by DRDO’s Advanced Naval Systems Laboratory in Hyderabad.
  • It will have a maximum range of 6000 Km.
  • It will carry 2-3 tonnes of warhead.
  • Also, this will be a three stage solid fuel multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) missile.
  • In contrast with other K-series missiles this missile will arm the S5  class of ballistic missile submarines of Indian Navy.

So far only four other countries- USA, Russia, China and France have such strategic capability of launching missiles under water, INS Arihant has been equipped with K-15/Sagarika missile which can be launched under water which makes India to join this list.

Information regarding the “K” missile series has always been classified or secretive. There are no clear images on the development of this project. These missiles will significantly boost the second strike capabilities of India.

Second Strike Capability – In nuclear warfare, a second strike capability is defined as the retaliation after the first strike of the enemy. It is country’s assured ability to respond to a nuclear attack with powerful nuclear retaliation against the attacker.

So this was it for K series missiles.

Stay tuned to DDE for more content.


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