Dream . Believe . Achieve

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Prajnay Singh Pathania – 34 SSB allahabad

Bestseller Books For Your preparation

Prajnay Singh Pathania


This is prajnay singh pathania and ever since childhood I had one aim and that was to join the indian army through the NDA. I had started preparing for the nda written since my 11th grade. It was in the third time that I was able to clear my written examination.

My ssb call letter had come and the center was Allahabad. I was extremely tensed as this center was informally called as the “rejection board”. As my father was from the NDA I had some sort of guidance and consultation on how to crack the service selection board test.

I decided to not undergo any sort of coaching as my father had adviced that it was better to show the board your real personality as It would help them asses me in an uninfluenced manner. The moment I entered the gates of the service selection board (east) allahbad my eye wad caught by the sight of the tank that was kept as a showcase. I performed brilliantly in the GD’s and the GP, but as soon as the PGT started I was so confused and was lacking ideas on how to solve the given task. I stood there on the ground in silence with the thoughts of rejection lingering through my brains, I tried to keep calm and help my team in small manners for example lifting the plank etc.

On GTO-2 day, when the command task started I had no idea on how to solve the tasks given to me, I had to take ideas from the instructor and again the thought Of rejection came into my brain. After day 2 we all went to the room tired and tensed about the results that were to come on the following day and to my surprise I was recommended. Joy filled my body the way water filles a jug, I had made it. It was a proud moment for me in its entirety.

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HeroesPrajnay Singh Pathania - 34 SSB allahabad
HeroesPrajnay Singh Pathania - 34 SSB allahabad
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