English Grammar Logics on spotting error, fill-ups, sentence improvement
Approach to ordering of sentence & jumble words
List of Most Important Antonym Synonym
Solved Practice set
Total coverage of Both Indian and World Geography
Total coverage of ancient & medieval History including Independence era
Absolute description of Politics, civics
Every important information on Indian Defence which is likely to be asked in exams
Practical science including general science. Extremely helpful for Non-science background
In addition the package contains Video lectures on G.K
Video lectures are separate entertaining & informative lectures on History, Geography, Civics & defence
600+ most important MCQs and 5 sets of practice MCQs to make you competent enough for exams
This Book will definitely help you gain the confidence for cracking the exams. Overall this book covers everything for OTA. Further the book is designed in concise and readable manner so that you can do your preparations on time.
Book has proved it’s mettle multiple times in previous examinations.